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#Business Model/Strategy
Added 2 years ago

Fortescue is focusing on greening the whole steel supply chain

Fortescue hails “green iron” breakthrough as own coal-free tech moves to pilot phase

From Renew Economy newsletter

Fortescue hails "green iron" breakthrough as own coal-free tech moves to pilot phase | RenewEconomy

#Green ammonia/Green hydrogen,
Added 2 years ago

Fortescue starting to put meat on the bones of the green hydrogen transformation.

"Fortescue forges ahead on massive hydrogen electrolyser for “world first” green ammonia plant"

Added 3 years ago

Another article from Renew Economy Newsletter

Worth a read for those interested in this area.

"Fortescue says its “very stretch” 15m tonne green hydrogen targets now very achievable"

Added 3 years ago

From Renew Economy Newsletter

South Australia names partners to $13 billion hydrogen hub as poll hangs in balance.

South Australia’s Liberal government has revealed the key partners in its planned $13 billion hydrogen hub at Port Bonython as the state heads into an election next week that pollsters say is too close to call.

The partners cited for what the Marshall government says could host up to 3GW of hydrogen electrolysers by 2030 include Fortescue Future Industries, Origin Energy, Santos and H2U, along with international companies such as Eneos, Chiyoda, Mitsubishi and AMP Energy.

Added 3 years ago

Extract from Renew Economy Newsletter

"Fortescue strikes deal with Queensland for green hydrogen transmission link."

"Fortescue Future Industries has secured support from the Queensland government to connect two proposed green hydrogen projects to the grid so that they can access supplies of renewable electricity.

In a deal struck with the state government-owned Powerlink and the Economic Development Queensland (EDQ), two new green hydrogen developments at Gibson Island and Aldoga – near Gladstone – will be connected to the Queensland transmission network and supplied with renewable electricity."

Added 3 years ago

The Age 21st Feb 2022, page 28

Headline “ Hydrogen hype get real with Japanese tender”

Japans largest power generator is calling for competitive bids for ammonia (Effective way to transport and store hydrogen for fuel).

Not blue hydrogen which is produced from natural gas, but green hydrogen, produced by hydrolysis of water using renewable energy.

With Cannon-Brookes bid for AGL in play, it is all getting very real.

Hold FMG in RL

Added 3 years ago

Fortescue buys into Australian low cost hydrogen technology that only needs sunlight and water.

Andrew Forrest’s Fortescue Future Industries has acquired a stake in an Australian invented technology that promises the ability to produce renewable hydrogen using just sunlight.

Sparc Technologies has been working to commercialise a new ‘photocatalyst’ technology developed by researchers at the University of Adelaide and Flinders University, which can split water using direct sunlight using the catalyst material, avoiding the need to generate the electricity required by conventional electrolysis.

The process of ‘photocatalytic’ water splitting uses an innovative material to split water into hydrogen and oxygen with using sunlight, potentially reducing the cost and the amount of land needed for renewable hydrogen production.

By developing the process of “thermo-photocatalysis”, the venture has the potential to eliminate the need for large-scale solar or wind farm developments in the production of renewable hydrogen, reducing costs and making production more flexible.

“As such, capital and operating expenditure is anticipated to be significantly lower than electrolysis and other forms of hydrogen production currently in use,” Sparc Technologies said in a statement to the ASX.

#Business Model/Strategy
Added 3 years ago

The extension of FMG into the green/renewable energy space is amazing strategy and should bring with it an "ethical investment" SP premium. How will the market balance the green against the risk ? 

#FMG heads to carbon neutral
Added 3 years ago

This article was published over  the last 24 hours.  Renew Economy is an "all things renewable energy" newsletter. Worth a read if you are interested in the topic