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#Saving the Planet
Added 2 months ago

Saw this in today’s Fin Review.

Fortescue’s Sinead Booth allows her colleagues to see everything in her diary

I am suggesting this not be looked at through a political lens, as anything to do with “climate” is a loaded subject, but this article jumped out at me.   

Fortescue executive Sinead Booth, Group Manager Decarbonisation Delivery tells us in the above BOSS Young Executives article what her favourite gadget is: “ I think mine is my Tesla. I got my Tesla last year. It’s that guilt-free driving.”


Sinead then goes on to explain to the reader: “We try and get away as much as we can on weekends so I knew that I wanted something that would get us as far as our favourite beach area, which is about a 2½-hour drive from Perth.”

 Does Sinead think you build a Tesla without any need for fossil fuels, or where the energy for her pleasant 2½-hour jaunt to the beach might come from?

 I can’t rule out the journalist is having a giant piss-take at Sinead’s expense. Or it could be all written in dead seriousness. I don’t know. But I couldn’t buy shares in Fortescue knowing this is the caliber of its executive ranks. 

 I know I will probably get buckets over this: “Scoonie you are nothing more than an out of touch old prick. Hell and damnation you uncaring bastard!”