Not a surprise given the past few years performance
Halo Food Co. Limited (Liquidators Appointed) (Receivers and Managers Appointed)
ASX code: HLF
ACN 621 970 652 (‘the Company’)
Appointment of Liquidators ASX code: HLF
Notice is hereby given that Michael Korda and Robert Hutson of KordaMentha were appointed Liquidators of the Company and the companies in the attached schedule (together ‘the Companies’) on 30 January 2024.
Pursuant to Section 436A of the Corporations Act (‘the Act’) at the Second Meetings of Creditors of the Companies held on 30 January 2024, the creditors of the Companies resolved that the Companies be wound up under Section 439C(c) of the Act and that Michael Korda and Robert Hutson be appointed Liquidators.
As per our previous announcement David Hardy, Ryan Eagle and Emily Seeckts of KPMG were appointed as Receivers and Managers of the Companies on Friday, 25 August 2023. The Receivers and Managers continue to have day to day control of the assets and trading operations of the Companies.
We confirm that the Liquidators have put in place arrangements to respond, free of charge, to members’ and creditors’ queries in relation to the consequences and progress of the external administration.
The contact details of the Liquidators are: