Feeling underwhelmed by the JAN Strategy update.
On the one hand, it was probably not realistic to expect too much - the platform is world class, but JAN seems to have been sitting on its reputation and current cohort of customers, has been all over the show, lost focus etc.
So, the New CEO is going back to basics, leveraging on the core strength, and actually SELLING JAN to the broader market. Not sure there is anything wrong with this approach - not sure what else she could do really.
There was a lot of use of big buzz phrases, particularly "AI", but there were no specifics as to what this actually meant from a new capability, area to focus efforts on, cost estimates etc.
What was needed, and was conspicuously missing, were clear measurable numbers/targets as to what good looks. That is troubling. I get that Sujata is 4M in the role, but she would have known that shareholders would be clamouring for something tangible to re-focus their investments on. While she has lived and breathed Assessments in her career, I am concerned that this was in a private company setting (OET is what her Linked-In profile says, 11 years+, decent length).
That she did not pro-actively address shareholder anxieties with more specifics could be telling of her lack of experience in a public company environment and the additional expectations management requirements that go with it.
The platform is still world class, is robust and there are some big contracts already in play and coming into play - there is a decent base to work from.
The actions, while lacking specifics, all make sense - going back to basics, repositioning the company, selling the company and its capabilities etc. All are needed, regardless of who ran JAN and what other things it does/does not do.
Unlike my other turnaround holdings (EML, EOS, CAT etc), other than the CEO coming onboard, I can't quite see all the ingredients to make JAN successful being in place today.
But to be fair to JAN, I ignored those turnaround holdings while the new CEO got its ducks in a row and only revisited after they were in place for some time. So perhaps I should give Sujata the time to really get going rather than exit now - it could well be too early.
JAN is only 0.6% of my portfolio and I have too much cash as it is today, so crystallising the loss to raise more cash, does not help things.
The JAN price is already rock bottom - the only way from here is up really. But it will be an uncertain 12M or so until Suhata puts out clearer markers AND show tangible progress that we can see in the financials.

Going to sit on this for a few days before working out what to do.
Discl: Held IRL
We've got a great assessments technology platform, not many know what we do, we have undersold ourselves - we need to double down on our core strength, let the market know who we are, what value we can deliver
We want to "AI" the platform - lots of "AI" thrown around, no specifics in terms of scope, timing, cost
Market is growing to USD21b by 2030, 10-12% CAGR projected, AI is driving assessment innovation/disrupting the assessment industry, the competitive landscape is evolving

Blueprint for Growth, the 3 Horizons