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#Bull Case
Added 4 years ago

Huge update from MME today. Nice timing as well after a quick pullback and during the middle of the day when people are sleeping. I have been topping up.

Highlights (Q4 and FY21)

  • Q4 Originations of $161m up 391% on PCP

  • Autopay originations of $12m in 12 weeks since launch and accelerating

  • Q4 Revenue of $19m up 73% on PCP

  • Cost of Funds reduced by 55% from 11% in Q1FY21 to 5% in Q4FY21

  • Core Operating Costs margin2 reduced by 17% from 12% in FY20 to 10% in FY21

    Clayton Howes, MoneyMe’s Managing Director and CEO said:

    “We are extremely pleased to report incredible growth and momentum in MoneyMe. The record revenue, originations and customer receivables demonstrate our business is accelerating. At the same time credit quality is increasing and we’re seeing strong take-up from customers across diversified products and distribution channels. This quarter’s results include significant momentum in our first secured product, Autopay, the breakthrough innovation in car lending with dealerships signing up to the new platform and a faster than expected take-up from car purchasers.”

• Record Originations & Gross Customer Receivables
o Originationsof$161mforQ4FY21,up391%onpcp($33m,Q4FY20),andup49%

on prior quarter ($108m, Q3FY21)
o Originationsof$384mforFY21,up115%onpcp($179m,FY20)
o Autopayoriginationsof$12min12weekssincelaunch($6.2m,Q4FY21)
o Grosscustomerreceivablesof$333m,up149%onpcp($134m,Q4FY20),andup

43% on prior quarter ($233m, Q3FY21)

#Bull Case
Last edited 4 years ago

MME (Money Me) Update out this morning. Business still crushing it! Market still asleep at the wheel.

MoneyMe outperforms originations run rate with $108m originations, revenue of $15m

  • Record Originations & Gross Customer Receivables.
    o Originationsof$108m,up111%onpcp($51m,Q3FY20).
    o Grosscustomerreceivablesof$233m,up63%onpcp($143m,Q3FY20).

  • Record Revenue & Increasing Returns.

o Revenue of $15m, up 22% on prior quarter ($12m, Q2 FY21).

2 o Revenue contracted for Q4 FY21 increased to $19m .

o Average customer receivables term increased to 35 months (32 months, Q2 FY21). • Increasing operating leverage and cost efficiencies.

o Fundingcostsreducedto6%(9%,1HFY21)astheGroupcontinuestoleverage its bank warehouse facility.

o Core operating costs margin3 continues to reduce further to 9% (12%, 1H FY21). • Strong Credit & Book Quality.

o Average Equifax score of the book increased to 644 (638, Q2 FY21).
o COVID-19 deferrals reduced even further to 0.1% of gross customer receivables

(0.4%, Q2 FY21) and net charge-offs stable at 4% (4%, Q2 FY21).

#Bull Case
Added 4 years ago

$MME the cheeky devils! Had a takeover offer ~6months ago that no one knew about.

It was at a significant premium to where the Share price is Currently. The buisness has been killing it since then and SP is about the same. A Big rerate is coming at some point IMO and if not the circling sharks will try again.

I topped up yesterday morning and its now the 2nd larges position in my PA.

#Bull Case
Added 4 years ago

MoneyMe Limited (ASX: MME) (“MoneyMe” or “Group”) today announced an increase in

Australian Major Bank funding commitment from $100m to $150m.

MoneyMe’s significant growth trajectory, accelerating loan originations and its high yielding loan book is backed by the Group’s major funder with an increased senior warehouse commitment from $100m to $150m. The additional 50% increases the Group’s total warehouse structures to nearly $300m. This increase is on the same terms as the initial $100m commitment.

A sign of higher demand for loans and with their borrow costs having reduced they should also be attracting a higher quality credit customer as well.

The market is refusing to aknowledge this company atm.. Liquidity remains low as eyeballs in this crazy market are elsewhere on all the hyped stuff. But I expect a significant rerate for MME at some point.

H1 Report due tomorrow most of which is known by the market, but perhaps they will give some future guidance.