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Last edited 3 years ago
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Added 3 years ago

@jimmybuffalino I have owned MME in the past and follow the company closely. Management have always seemed impressive and own a large quantity of stock. For whatever reason and likely being recent AFR articles I have sensed a fair bit of desperation in this recent funding increase. I just wonder if there is a deeper issue yet to be found out that may be at play. I do admit I have only heard positive things about autopay and even MME on a larger scale but the growth in autopay has been extreme. Same goes for Plenti where there auto loan book has grown excessively ober the past 12 months

I compare both MME and PLT to MNY (I own) which has also had great growth but in a much more controlled manner and wonder is this growth at all costs going to blow up in their (MME/PLT) face? do they have any hedging in place to reduce risk? especially in a growing interest rate environment.

MNY has been through the GFC so I think they will come out the other side perfectly fine, they continue to grow their loan book nicely and pay a dividend which has grown YoY. In hindsight I wish I took additional profits along the way but I am confident in management and there outlook as they have years of experience and knowledge in both good and bad economic cycles. Can the same be said for MME? happy to keep watching and hope they execute for shareholders.