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#Understanding the NWL Platform
Added 7 months ago

I have a totally embarassing question to ask help on. Can anyone point me to a writeup or diagram which succintly describes what exactly the NWL platform does/manages/provides??

I have poked around Google, the NWL site, went through the Annual Report, looked at the marketing videos, read some of the PDS' but I am still struggling to clearly understand the products and services that are offered on the NWL platform. While some of the content talks about the capability and scope of the product, there is a lot of sales-y speak overlayed and a lot of ghee whizz "IT platform/reporting/data benefits" but I am still struggling to clearly understand what each product actually does for a customer or an wealth advisor. The products I have understood thus far, which is half-coherent:

  1. Self-Super: this is an end-to-end SMSF management/administration service akin to eSuperfund, which is my SMSF provider.
  2. Super Accelerator: provides the capability to invest in various products - managed funds, term deposits, fixed term annuities - there is a Super Accelerator Plus which provides more investment options
  3. Wealth Accelerator Multi-Asset Portfolio Service Guide - a single account which allows you to buy, hold and sell various investments
  4. Managed Account: access to a range of professionally managed investment portfolio's, which I gather you can invest in from either Super Accelerator or Wealth Accelerator
  5. Global Specialist Series Funds (GSS Funds) for NWL GSS Managed Models
  6. I gather it has a Share Brokerage
  7. NWL is also a Superannuation Fund in its own right, similar to Aust Super, HESTA etc

I am actually thinking of ringing NWL tomm and booking a demo and asking them to help me understand the platform.

For context, NWL has been a complete coffee-can investment for me. I bought the position based on the MFPro 1 recommendation back in 2018 and other than happily collecting dividends, have done absolutely nothing on NWL. That blind faith in old Joe and Matt was not misplaced, as by then, they were a proven winning team, and I had no doubt that they had done the detailed research to come up with a long-term winner.

NWL has now become my 2nd largest position (after the ALU sale, AD8 crash etc), returning 182%, proving that there absolutely IS merit in the coffee-can approach and that the less one tinkers with a position, the better the outcome.

Any help would be much appreciated!

Disc: Held IRL with total ignorance ...