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#Business Model/Strategy
Added 3 years ago

NXT is a big ol' green house gas maker! A polluter!

This itnews article talks to another DC operator whom won't release their greenhouse gas emissions data as if it will help their cause.


NEXTDC was the next largest producer, emitting 294,460 tonnes (293,797 tonnes of scope two) in 2020-21, significantly higher than 2019-20 (219,038 tonnes) and 2018-19 (198,418 tonnes).

The other big DC operators release theirs. They own the reality of their business.

In fact one could argue, the emissions are not even the DC's, they belong to the business that owns the servers, and by virtue of the rent they NextDC, cause and own the greenhouse gases for the electricity, cooling, water, fire suppression generator fuel etc etc involved in operating a DC. But perhaps that is an unnecessary rabbit-hole to scurry down, as either way the emissions are occurring.

Overall it is of no impact to my thesis - but noise may be made about it every now and then. IMHO, no one is shutting down DCs anytime soon. And like all big polluters, they will change with the tide and go green eventually.