I have updated my previous valuation for the full year results just released and the likely impact of the sale of the International business and will walk through the key assumptions of the valuation attached and any changes to previous valuation assumptions.
IV = $1.40 (19/8/21 - base case), up from $1.30 (16/4/21)
Assumptions (details in straw):
· Sale of Int Business: We have no indication of likely valuation of this business, but could guess a sales multiple or split of the PPS value on a ratio of sales which would give us around $90m, but then we need to also ask what is done with those funds (distribute/acquire/spend). So, I am going to assume that the funds are invested to replace the sold FUM and Sales. Either by generating organic or acquired growth to replace the FUM and sales of the International business but at the better operating performance of the Australian business. Hence, I assume FUM and Sales are replaced (about the same time for simplicity) but operating costs improve by 7m which would be the savings if the International business was operating at the same EBITDA% as the Australian business.
· FUM: Growth from inflows and market value increases provides for high rates of growth for many more years and a high level of base growth on a perpetual basis. This is part of the attraction of the business model. I see projections of FUM dubbing by 2025 and tripling by 2030 as modest.
· Sales: To grow in line with FUM, but at a reducing rate due to margin squeeze in the industry. At 18% of average FUM in FY21 I seen this drifting to as low at 14% by 2030. This is something to keep an eye on as it is a drag on the benefits of high FUM growth.
· Margins: Currently at 70% but pre-Powerwrap acquisition it was 80%. I am looking for it to return to the 80% level by 2028 and stay there going forward. Competition will put pressure on margins but this impact is factored in with reduced Sales/FUM. Scale and systems improvements should assist in reducing COS% and increasing margin.
· EBITDA: Banking a 7m drop in Opex from the sale of the International business and setting Opex growth at 75% of sales growth, EBITDA% reaches 40% by 2024 and high 40% by end of the decade due to operating leverage from high margins. Management indicate Opex will grow modestly going forward, so better EBITDA margins are possible but I expect heavy investment in growth and maintaining product relevance.
· Capex: Mostly in the form of capitalised software development costs it was $7.2m in FY21, I have this growing at 5% at a flat rate as an arbitrary assumption.
· Cash & FCF: FY21 was the first negative FCF cash flow year in over 5 years, there is debt but a positive net cash position of +$13m. I expect positive FCF to return in FY22 and for the business to maintain adequate cash holdings but a large acquisition my require a capital raise which I assume will be EPS accretive so will ignore.
· Share count: currently just over 500m, I allow for a 1% growth from ESOP.
· Discount/Terminal Value: Assume a long-term average market return rate of 10% as a discount rate. Due to the favourable long term growth economics of the business model, I assume a Terminal Value based on a 5% perpetual growth rate which is around an EV/EBITDA of 13 and a P/E of around 20.
· Risks & Opportunities: Those I adjust value for are:
o Regulatory Risk (-5%): Downside risk of regulatory changes that impose additional costs or limit growth to PPS and the industry.
o Reputational Risk (-5%): Downside risk of PPS specific issues around security, legal matters or high profile issues with customers.
o Acquisition Opportunity (+20%): A premium that allows for PPS being acquired and also for PPS to make EPS accretive acquisitions it’s self.
PPS may be a take over target on sale of the UK business, if not I expect it to continue to acquire growth in FUM from any sale proceeds, using these to generate better returns in the Australian business and enhance value. This is the principle reason for an increase in my IV from $1.30 to $1.40.
Management is experienced, the new CEO is a solid choice and skin in the game is reasonable at around 5%. I am banking on them maintaining the competitive offering they have with appropriate investment and to use capital well – issues in this area would be a red flag.
I have held PPS since early 2019 at an average price of $0.46 and plan on continuing to hold at current prices and information.