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#ASX Announcements
Added 2 years ago

PRO announced a new contract with the AUS Tax Office. Sounds like they are replacing the (or an) incumbent.

Significant quotes from the announcement.

"Prophecy has agreed to provide eMite to the ATO for an initial term of 3 years with a minimum commitment of AU$2.5 million over the contract term, $1.05 million of which will fall in the first year."

"This contract marks the second large federal government win for eMite, building on Prophecy's agreementsigned last year with Services Australia. It also marks the realisation of a significant opportunity sourcedunder Prophecy's Master Supply Agreement (MSA) with Australian telecommunications leader OptusNetworks Pty Ltd ("Optus"), announced to the ASX on 31 August 2022."

"The solution Prophecy is deploying will integrate data sources from multiple businessplatforms to deliver a single source of truth for contact centre management, while also offering a replacement for the Genesys CCpulse and Pulse platforms that have been end-of-lifed."