Survey shows Raiz Invest is one of the top 10 Fintech apps, in terms of use in a survey of customers.
The Jakarta Post reproted at the beginning of November, there were 10000 app downloads, and 1200 accounts opened. The articel reported Raiz are targeting to have 40 000 customers by the end of 2019.
App Annie tells me there were 273 reviews of the app before November 1, and 376 review since November 1. Going by this ration, there could be 22000 or so accounts as at the end of the year. Alternatively, if you use the ratio fo reviews to accounts of the Asutrlaian business, you come up with a figure around 40 000 accounts.
App ratings peaked in December, with 205, or nearly 30% of the total reviews.
One other intersting point is the app rating has been steadily improving over the past few months, as they refine the app and its connectivity to Indonsesian banks.
Raiz is not charging customers any fees at this point, which presumably will change in the new year. 40 000 customers will provide about $500k in additional revenue per annum, or $200k gross margin. It will need over 100k of customers to breakeven.
Raiz Indonesia Office has 5 employees, and I am guessing this is adding $400-600k in costs per annum. Raiz reported the Oz operations reached breakeven in September, so Indonesia will be a drag on cashflow in the short term.
Refer to the attached chart showing most popular fintech apps in Indonesia published late last year. I think Raiz did well to make the list from a standing start in August.
I am hoping for feedback in the Q3 report on indonesian account numbers.