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Last edited 3 years ago
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#Business Model/Strategy
Added 3 years ago

RZI hit my radar 2-3years ago and perked my interest in meeting a market whom are relatively neglected in terms of growing wealth.

My wife and i signed up a account and have regularly contributed small amounts each week.

Performance over the past 18month on my custom portfolio has been a impressive 25.83% . Nothing to sneeze at, with Bitcoin exposure at 5%

What i have also liked is some of the information and articles they provide each week which are informative and keep you engaged.

It's easy to see why their growth rates are 88.2% to end Oct 2021 in FUM.

The exposure through Indonesia and Malaysia is one to watch but seems to ding well. Indonesia growing members at 140% plus with Malaysia 60% plus.

In exploring the super aspect it appears they are behind the curve in terms the same sort flexibility . The ability to construct a diverse portfolio is not there at present but i think its simply a matter of time when the ability to move monies into different investment classes opens up.

Like the outlook overall with no specific price target at this point

PS the seven media announcement today adds a further element and ability to promote its offering

Disc : I hold in SM and RL