Company Report
Last edited one year ago
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Last edited one year ago

The ABB offer has turned into a binding one, and the SYM board has until the end of the month to recommend it.

No material change to the terms.

#Acquisition Proposal
Last edited one year ago

Now things are getting interesting.

Aussie Broadband has waded into the waters with a 75/25 cash/scrip default offer, valuing SYM at $3.15, with the option for the Symbio board to declare a special dividend that will release an additional 15c in franking credits.

So this could be the start of a bidding battle - I wonder if this is as good as it will get for SYM shareholders?

Disc.: ABB and SYM held.

#Acquisition Proposal
Last edited one year ago

Superloop has come back with an enhanced offer, which it terms as its "best, improved and final offer".

It's a bit complicated, but the gist is that the implied value of SYM shares is slightly higher than the initial proposal ($2.91 v/s $2.85 under the default 50:50 cash/scrip mix), and that Symbio shareholders have more flexibility in choosing the mix of cash and scrip they want to accept. A 15cps special dividend is also on the table should the SYM Board choose to declare it.

I'm not sure it's that much of an improvement at all overall.

#ASX Announcements
Last edited 2 years ago

After issuing a trading update confirming guidance and noting the stabilisation of demand from its marquee customers, the shares have staged an impressive one-day rally.

Follow through will be crucial from a technical perspective, as the shares are trading right at the bottom end of the big gap caused by the initial downgrade in December. Filling that gap (up to around the $2.50-55 mark) and consolidating above it over the coming weeks may imply that the turnaround is complete, but right now, it is not out of the woods yet.

Added 2 years ago

Sure enough, here comes the trading update with a big downward revision at the midpoint. The price action in the lead up was telling.

#Bear Case
Last edited 2 years ago

I currently hold a small position (have been in and out of the name a couple of times for modest profits over the years), and I am not a TA guru, but looking at the long term chart, SYM has been in a steep downtrend in recent months that finds the shares hanging above lows going back about 8 years, excluding the brief Covid shock/plunge. It has to hold above those levels, or the odds are good for further drawdowns (barring any material fundamental developments in the meantime).