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Last edited 2 years ago
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Added 2 years ago

Couple of days ago my internet banking access to St George got revoked after I tried to transfer money for a share purchase plan because it looked "suspicious"

I then had to go through their fraud hotline. 1st call was in the middle of the night and was on hold for 2 hours before I hung up. Then I called the main internet access number. After being on hold for 40min they told me the fraud hotline was the only option to get back my access.

2nd call to fraud hotline was in the morning on hold for 1.5 hours before I got through. Had to convince them the transfer was legit (had the obvious letterhead and everything was announced on the ASX) before my access was enabled.

Would be interested to hear if anyone else had these sort of issues with St George/Westpac or even other big banks. But putting a customer on hold for so long for something so serious is not a good look.

Think I may switch banks...