Finally got around to view the playback of the WSP Product Showcase from earlier this week and the related ASX announcement.
WSP launched 4 new service offerings this week. Initially, I was unimpressed - lots of AI-related jargon, but I changed my view after viewing the playback of the Product Showcase session.
Click Watch on Demand.
Whispir Talkbots - impressive demo of the Talkbot capability around 11:25 into the video.
- The Talkbot sounded like a natural person, with the local accent, pitching an upgrade to an existing customer
- Was able to detect, deflect customer pushback and keep the sales pitch going on the offer in what sounded like a normal sales conversation
- Customer ended up agreeing to receive an SMS with the pitched offer, which is an impressive outcome of that one conversation
- Conversations are fed back into the learning engine to improve the effectiveness of future Talkbot calls
The key WSP pitch is conversations like these can be made at scale, giving rise to increase in leads, conversions, productivity gains etc.
Content Assist - demo around 18:34 in the video
- Simple user-entry form to provide basic parameters around the content required for a given communication - communication channel (email, SMS etc) message, audience, tone, formality etc
- The WSP platform then uses Open AI’s ChatGPT platform to draft out the content
- Allows repeated attempts to get the content right, before porting into the WSP platform for actual transmission
- Brings to life the value proposition of allowing the platform to address Content + Purpose of Communication, while the user focused on Channel + Timing, the 4 elements of effective communication
From past experience of having to draft out different communications from operations-related SMS’s to update emails etc, I can see how this capability will help speed up effective communication using the capabilities of ChatGPT, from within the WSP platform.
Compliance Automation and Whispir Verify - more under-the-hood, back-end capabilities. Whispir Verify does not come across as revolutionary but there seems to be added security by the non-storing/deletion of the One-Time-Passwords after verification is completed.
Overall, the demo’s in the Showcase brought the first 2 capabilities to life quite clearly for me. I never liked Bots of any sort (either too dumb or too smart-arsed), but the fact that the Talkbot could engage in what sounded like a normal Sales conversation was impressive for me - the ability to target the audience, then unleash the Talkbots at scale is very exciting.
Also liked the fact that WSP has delivered against the Product Upgrade roadmap in Q1 with the promise of more to come throughout FY24. This reminds me of what Jenni Pilcher said in the early CY2023 chat - the platform base is “sorted”, which then allows for more capabilities like these to be built and pushed out. It was good to see the traction against that comment.
What remains is to see what the rate of uptake is, and what the impact on revenue is during FY24.
Discl: Held IRL and in SM
Extract from the ASX announcement: