Category: General

Baby Giants Podcast

Join us as we chat about the wild, weird, and whacky of small cap investing, all while searching for those precious few fast-growing businesses that have a shot of becoming industry giants. You can find the full catalogue on the Baby Giants website, on Spotify, or anywhere good podcasts are found. Also, be sure to follow us on twitter. © […]

Tech Stocks Enter Bear Market

The Aussie market, as measured by the S&P All Ordinaries Index, entered a ‘technical correction’ this week, having fallen more than 10% from the record high it hit at the start of the year. Small cap stocks have fared worse, down about 14% over the same period of time according the ASX Small Ords. The situation for tech investors is […]

How to prepare for the next crash

It wasn’t a great week for the market, with the All Ordinaries dropping a further 3% from its August all-time high. And there’s plenty of reasons to be nervous.  The US Federal Reserve is winding back stimulus and signalling higher lending costs. China — our largest trading partner — is facing a potential credit squeeze and property market slump, while trade […]

Why volatility is the friend of the young investor

I bet you heard the news this week about the China Evergrande debacle. Global markets shedding billions of dollars due to large and small investors fearful of the butterfly effect of an international behemoth in mountains of debt. China making cryptocurrencies illegal certainly didn’t help investor sentiment either, smashing crypto markets and stocks associated with them too. Volatility struck the […]

Investing won’t make you rich

Investing won’t make you rich. Not on its own. Done right, it will certainly help grow your money — and, over time, that growth can be considerable. But if you really want to build enduring wealth you should also focus on saving. That’s the fuel on which the fire of compounding burns. If you can scrape together $2,000 and invest that for a […]

Patience Pays

Investing is hard*. Success as a stock-picker requires, among other things, a decent understanding of business, accounting, economics, finance & psychology. It requires discipline, objectivity and emotional fortitude. Most important of all, successful investing requires time. A lot of it. Time to educate yourself. Time to do research. Time to manage your portfolio. And, perhaps hardest of all, time to […]