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2 years ago

At an average price of $5.08, I'd suggest the majority of the extra 2.248m shares have come from on market buying into the lower price. It would certainly lower the average cost of the DRP over the past 4 years. Either way, $11m is a healthy sign of confidence. Whilst I am reflecting red on CDA, I believe we have a number of near term catalysts which will quickly reverse the direction of the SP.

2 years ago

16-Jan-2023 - just on that straw by @Solvetheriddle and the good explanation straw ("Who is the Uhrig Family") by @Rick - I do not know much at all about the family, however they have been accumlating further Codan shares over time, and as John Uhrig and Family are regarded as being substantial shareholders due to having a controlling interest in companies that themselves control more than 5% of Codan's shares on issue, they are required to lodge a "Notice of change of interest of substantial holder" every time their combined holdings moves by 1% or more, in either direction. If their combined position falls below the 5% "Substantial Holder" threshold, they will lodge a "ceasing..." notice.

This latest notice - Change-in-substantial-holding.PDF - shows that it has taken the family 4 years and 11 months (so basically five years) to move from 14.52% of Codan to 15.52% so I would suggest that much of that might simply be reinvested dividends (participation in their DRP) plus some on-market purchases. As Rick said, John Uhrig (pictured below a few years back) is now 94 (or is turning 94 this year), so I would imagine that John is probably happy to let their combined Codan shareholdings value accumulate and leave it to his family when he passes on.


John Allan Uhrig, Former Chairman of Codan (CDA). Source: wall




A notice from 2007 ( shows that John and his family used a few different holding companies for their Codan shares, including Pinara Group Pty Ltd (formerly Pinara Pty Ltd), Starform Pty Ltd and Dareel Pty Ltd. The notice they lodged today show that they are still using Starform, Dareel, plus "Other Misc. (miscellaneous) Holdings". David Uhrig, who I assume is John's son, is the MD of the Uhrig Family Investment Group Entities now, and signs these notices in that capacity.


"David Uhrig and Kirsty Roberts are at the Seymour College Foundation’s Lowdown on Showdown 41 event, held at the Adelaide Oval."


Further Reading: ("Business leader to look into regulators", The World Today - Friday, 15 November, 2002)

All in all, I would consider this as a vote of continued confidence by a long-standing shareholder who was one of the founders and a former Chairman of the Board of the company, along with his family. There is no evidence they have been selling shares, and they may well have been taking advantage of the recent share price drop to top up their position with some more Codan shares.

Disclosure: I hold Codan (CDA) shares in real life and also here on


@Bear77 thanks i remember him from WBC , many moons ago. i forgot about teh chairman changeover. at least the family are knowledgeable investors and are adding at these levels, indicates they see no disaster


2 years ago

@Bear77 thank you for your excellent research. It’s good to know the next generation (David Uhrig) is at the helm of the Uhrig Family Investment Group Entities, and very rest assuring that the group is continuing to reinvest in Codan in a big way!

Oh, and thanks for the info about disclosure on movement of 1%. I didn’t know what the trigger was for substantial shareholders.




2 years ago

No worries @Rick - With that 1% movement, I should explain that's every time the holding moves 1% in either direction (since the last disclosure to the ASX) in terms of percentage of the company, not in terms of the shareholder. So, they held 14.52% at last disclosure (in 2018) and 1% more than that is 14.67% in terms of them, but the rules refer to the underlying company, not the shareholder, so the rules say that when they own 1% more or less of the shares on issue of the company, so in this case that would mean if their holding drops to 13.52% or rises to 15.52%. Hope I've explained that properly.

P.S. That's why sometimes people have to lodge such notices when the company has done one or more capital raises which the holder did not participate in, because the dilutionary effect of those CRs can change their holding so that they own 1% less of the new number of shares on issue. Not applicable in this case of course, but something to keep in mind when seeing other such notices where it appears people have sold down their position but actually they might not have - they might have just been diluted.

2 years ago

Outstanding #Straw @Rick

Agree it's a tough call with Codan, and although I don't know it as well as others here I do get the sense that there's no critical structural issues at play. Management may have taken their eye off the ball in Africa, but as you say the rest of the business is doing well and you can make a solid argument for value by ignoring Sudan altogether.


2 years ago

I do like the idea of taking this kind of opportunity to get the rest of the business running smoothly, then when the tide turns in their favour (which I'm almost certain is inevitable, though the timeframe is anybody's guess) be running off bigger margins and treat "Africa 2027 profits" as a windfall rather than their entire model.

2 years ago

So a disappointing market update for FY23 during the AGM caused share price to slump 20%. It transpires that last year's record Minelab sales were due in part to COVID impact in Africa, where many took up gold prospecting as an alternative source of income. Sales into Africa this year are depressed, and not recovering as quickly as expected, due to stock overhang and geopolitical risks. Despite good growth from the communications business, this has lower margins than detection, and the overall profit forecast for FY23 has been reduced.

Does this change the long term growth prospects? - no

Do I think this is a well diversified business led by capable and honest management? - yes

Is the market for gold detection products likely to decline in the near future given the gold price? - no

Does Codan have the best detection products on the market, with new versions soon to be launched? - yes

As geopolitical risks increase is the market for secure communications likely to increase? - yes

Does Codan have market leading communications products? - yes

Is Codan profitable? - yes

Should I keep holding Codan? - yes


2 years ago

Bit of a brutal reaction - Macquarie downgrade target SP from $9.75 to $4.10.

Makes you wonder how much value there is in the analyst estimates, as I don't think the new information in the market warrants a 58% write-down in value!

$CDA was always a cyclical play on gold price that got a turbo-charged boost through COVID. But recetly its added real quality and diversification with the communications segment, and seems to be pulling this off.

Definitely looks worth doing a proper sum of parts DCF, as often quality businesses that fall off a hype cycle offer the best entry points.

Adding to my (already too long) to do list. But happy to steal shamelessly of any other StrawPerson that can offer a decent sum of parts valuation!

Disc: Not held (but interested)


2 years ago

That's almost as good as a short report. Ridiculous that things like this are immediately accepted by the broader market as "accurate".


2 years ago

Someone was desperate to get out this morning...


Sell low buy high


2 years ago

Ive just finished listening to the conversation about Codan on Baby Giants today while I’ve been working away on a large renovation project at home (the reason for going so quiet lately).

In between working on the reno I have been doing quite a bit of research on Codan, and I’m in the process of pulling together a detailed straw.

I’m not rushing into any decision at this point in time, not until I can fully understand what the future looks like for business given the new information revealed at the AGM. There is a lot to work through, so it might take a while!


2 years ago

Bit hard doing a DCF when there is a bit of uncertainty in parts of the business.

I did it before and got it totally wrong, but that's because I got my estimate for the Africa segment totally wrong.

Having said that, we now know how much money was made selling metal detectors to Africa. That makes it easier modelling multiple casflow scenarios.