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Interesting that the bros on Baby Giants mentioned Articore (formerly RedBubble) in the latest episode. It's one I took a look at recently. I was interested because the EV is now less than 1x GPAPA (gross profit after acquisition costs) and it's now running around breakeven. Any improvement in reducing costs, any incremental growth, or any improvement in paid marketing efficiency (Google ads mainly), will see a marked turnaround.
But the trend in GPAPA margins is ugly.
The Gross margins have been improving over the years - likely from scale, better pricing with manufacturers, clawing more margin back from artists, some better efficiencies with routing, etc. But they've given it all back and more with increasing paid acquisition spend.
The good news is that management seem to be finally shifting their focus towards paid acquisition efficiency and cost reduction - rather than chasing growth, fly-wheels and brand-building. Will be interesting to see if they can make a dent.
Undifferentiated E-commerce - your margin is Google and Facebook's opportunity.
Redbubble received shareholder approval to change its name to "Articore" with the new ASX code ATG.
Not held in RL, or planning too.
Redbubble released the following announcement on Thursday with an update to the market. Briefly working through the numbers, I think the company will continue to operate on negative cash flow basis until revenues increase or they can cut costs even harder but how do they do that and grow at the same time? Of interest was a new tiered system for artists, three levels: standard, premium and pro. I never believed the story that the "artists" were core to the business, I saw the "artists" more as content creators trying to make something to match the current trending items of the week. The different tiers may allow Redbubble to discourage the use of copyright infringing material through lower financial incentives and incentivise original work, in the same way YouTube incentivises their best channels.
At the moment still firmly on the sidelines...
Not sure if anyone is still following the RBL story but looks like Etsy is having similar issues re counterfeit issues.
Recently the subject of a short report "$ETSY has become one of the largest platforms in the world for counterfeit goods, and it is indisputable. They risk running afoul with the DOJ, FTC, and Customs Border Protection.'
Source - Citron Research | Executive Editor Andrew Left | Publishing Since 2001
The trading update for 1HFY23 didn't look good for Redbubble. As a previous shareholder I was surprised how far backwards the business has gone in such a brief time. Revenue is flat for YoY and "operating EBITDA" moved from $10.5m to $-18m for 1HFY23.
When I sold out, I highly doubted the $1.25bn sales target they had for "CY24+". Flicking through the announcements of the past year or so, this blow out to FY26/27 in the presentations and now isn't even mentioned. One of the things I liked about Redbubble is the consistent format of data they provided quickly at the end of each quarter. I note this half end there is no presentation and the financial information provided is not a complete set. Management don't want to be loud about the current condition of the business.
Just a reminder to me how as an investor I should be "reading between the lines" when looking at company announcements and noticing the subtle changes period to period in what the company is saying. Additionally, don't take management's goals as forecasts but as aspirations....
Is the Market Overreacting?
Can it really be THIS bad?
Daily share price down 26% and 7% on the back of the update.
My question: Is the market OVERREACTING to the downside?
The last six halves with revenues (blue), PBT and CFO (gray)—both on RHS. Its been a wild ride for RBL through C19. Revenues falling again this half but costs not--cash crunch. Only trading at about 0.6x sales, but the lack of control over the operating lines is disconcerting to me. Plenty of cash, but where is it going? One for the thrill seekers imo. sorry not sure about the empty box
Why are labour costs so high/increasing?
Never been a fan but harder to be negative when the price has fallen as far as it has.
Looking at the medium term targets (have assumed they get there by FY28) - I cant see how they can get to 13-18% EBITDA margins unless the cost base stays static from here onwards?
Revs $1.25bn
Gross margins 40%
marketing costs - 16% of sales in line with current levels
EBITDA $130m / 10% margins at best
Revs $1.25bn, GM 37%, marketing costs increase to 20% of sales to stay relevant... EBITDA $65m / 5% margins
General Comments: I really wasn't expecting such a hit to margins for RBL. The margins are important to profitability for RBL with a few percent making a significant difference to profitability. I still don't believe management will get anywhere near their revenue target unless there are significant further decreases in margins, which would make the goal of increasing revenue pointless from a shareholder point of view.
I have formed the view management overemphasises the need for high quality artists. In my own opinion, RBL is more of a fun gift site, when you search RBL there is so much content that I wouldn't know who is a great "artist" compared to a bad one. I think most of the "artists" on the site are just there to make a few extra bucks from design work they enjoy doing. Whenever, there is a trend, a bunch of "artists" will create a similar copy just to be in the running to pick up more sales. Basically, I am saying you don't need to pay artists more because there is already so much competition between them.
Valuation assumptions (with recent changes in italics): MP Revenue for FY22 = $518 million Revenue growth = 20%, from 25% previously.% to artist = 20% from 17% previously.GP = 38 , from 40% previously.Paid acquisition as a % of marketplace revenue = 11%, from 10% previouslyDepreciation and amortization increase per quarter = 8% FY24 Net earnings = $54 million FY24 PE assumption = 25 (previously FY23 used an PE of 30, reduced due to margin contraction).Discounted back at 15%.
Trading update released today, Redbubble has posted a 16 percent slip in its marketplace revenue of $384M and a 22 percent decrease in its gross profit of $144M. This results in an EBITDA loss of $2.3M on the back of FX losses.
They say this is in line with expectations and they reiterated its previous FY2022 full year outlook statements.
The statement adds they are committed to a medium term strategy of investing for sustainable growth which almost sounds like an afterthought.
On open the shares are up over 4% - results must be better than the market expected. Not held.
Today's business update has not been well received by the market; so far today RedBubble has lost over 1/4 of its market value, and is down roughly 70% in the last year. Ouch!
Back in October last year, the business told the market it expected Marketplace Revenue to be "slightly above FY21 underlying Marketplace Revenue" (underlying strips out mask sales). It also said that EBITDA margin (as a % of marketplace revenue) would be in the mid single-digit range.
Today's update says that it now expects Marketplace Revenue to be "slightly below" FY21's underlying result, with EBITDA margins to be "low single-digit negative".
The margin deterioration was a result of increased competition and increased acquisition costs (marketing -- basically paid search). In addition, it suffered from increased shipping costs.
The company was at pains to point out the longer term trajectory of the business:
So, investors can probably expect FY22 Marketplace Revenue of roughly $495m. After today's drop, the business is now on about 1.2x that. That's hardly demanding for a business that is targeting marketplace revenue of $1.25 Billion in the medium term (2.5x current level). However, sales multiples offer little context without some assumptions of what margins look like at maturity.
The issue then, it seems to me, is about the ability of the business to deliver reasonable margins as it grows -- and not have search companies (Google & Facebook etc) capture most of the value. It may well achieve decent long term growth in revenues, but only operate on razor thin margins.
For example, let's say the business is actually doing $1.25b in revenue by FY25 but only gets a 4% net margin (which, according the the bears may even be still too generous). That'd be around $50m in net profit, or about 18cps (with no additional share issuance). A PE of (say) 20 would give a FY25 price target of $3.60, or $2.58 when discounted back by 10%pa for 3.5 years.
In this context, the previous close of $2.99 does indeed look a bit pricey, and today's price action is not entirely unreasonable.
So that's the conundrum I think. If you think RBL can actually sustain better margins, there's likely a decent opportunity at the current price. If not, and assuming they can keep growing the top line, shares are probably described as fair (at best).
For me, I don't have nearly enough conviction that the business can grow without sustained and significant customer acquisition costs. I'm not sure it will generate enough of a genuine network effect to make it a primary destination of choice for consumers, who will continue to simply google for what they are after and find the lowest cost producer.
I don’t want to be the web traffic guy but it’s a quick free and easy method of research and I haven’t thought about DCF since uni.
RBL seems to be steadily increasing web traffic, is already profitable, has cash with no debt. Unless the traffic is only seasonal (and I don’t have a 1-2 yr chart) this seems interesting to me.
I'm a not a graphic designer, just a bored tech consultant (I implement cloud CRM systems IRL) who needed to de-stress during a rainy locked down weekend after a particularly hectic week.
Regarding copyright - Redbubble doesn't let you upload anything unless a disclosure statement is ticked. Presumably this is Redbubble's argument that is has a consignment business model and would argue that the individual, not the site, is liable for infringement.
Note this article in the AFR regarding Hell's Angels and copyright infringement:
@suttree LOL, thanks. I was a little hesitant but here it is
(@Strawman do let me know if the link should be taken down and if it violates any rules)
I've now sold my first T-shirt (yay!)
For those interested, Redbubble has sent me an email outlining the following:
Your Current Configured Margin %: 10.0%
Your Margin: AU$1.96
The sale details:
Retail Price: AU$22.56
Total Margin: AU$1.96
I then received another email outlining the breakdown of cost price ($20.60).
Size: L
Color: Black
Print Location: Front
Quantity: 1
Manufacturing Fee: AU$20.60
Tax rate: 10.0%
Total Manufacturing Fee
Total Manufacturing Fee (inc. Tax)
Now the question is...what is cut that Redbubble takes? Just taking a general guestimate figure of 16%, ie the average of the last 6 years of % gross margin, this comes acorss as $2.86
I submitted and created a Redbubble design today (long story short - a colleague made a joke and we thought it would be hilarious to make t-shirts out of it).
The user experience was super simple, intuitive and fast. After whipping up the design, it took less than 5mins to upload, made some tweaks and have the 'shop' opened.
Things to note:
WOW! Yesterday was a great example of momentum and following the crowd!
Sold down in the AM only to see it settle by the evening $1+ up from its lows and up again further today!
In my mind I pictured that scene when a merry-go-round has stopped and there is that transition point where the kids who have finished rush off quickly to get to the next ride (sellers) whilst, at the same time the new riders are released when the gate opens and they race to occupy one of the ponies to ensure they get a seat (buyers) for the next ride!
You know when you watch a good court room drama, the defence lawyer is speaking, and at the time he/she seems to make perfect sense and you find yourself agreeing wholeheartedly with them? And then the prosecution lawyer has a go, and you find yourself agreeing wholeheartedly with them too?
Well, I'm getting that with RBL.
I completely understand all the negatives people had raised, but I use RBL and find their products are not overly expensive and of good quality. The only negative as been the kids photographic posters which were not of good resolution. T-shirts and masks were great.
I can see why people are unimpressed about the near term revenue forecasts, but the reasoning behind them seems sensible. There has been an exceptional event which has caused a not-to-be-repeated bump in sales. Firstly the lock down induced online shopping phenomenon, but also the number of masks sold, which is unlikely to be repeated at the same level. I would anticipate many of those customers will continue to use RBL in the future but how many masks do you need? In the presentation, they clearly stripped out this "bump" to estimate "normal sales" increasing at the previous CAGR., not the COVID rate. Should the "underlying" increase in revenue/sales etc not show evidence of improvement over 24 months, then clearly that would be of concern. Flagging the probability of a slow-down in the short term sounds like good managment to me.
Regarding the "network effect". I can see reasonable arguments for both sides. If they can invest in growth to become the dominant place to buy this sort of gear, then there is an argument to say that this will become a flywheel. Sure an artist can go off to some other platform but who is going to go looking for them? I know I can log on and find a huge range of work to choose from at reasonable price. Why would I look anywhere else.
The copying and copyright issues are definitely of concern. The example picked by Claude was unfortunate, given Banksy cannot claim a copyright . But the point could be applied to other areas, and other artists, as has previously noted. I will be watching closely how they cope with this issue.
Overall, I'm happy to hold for the time being.
Good luck to anyone who bought Redbubble at the open today. After closing yesterday at $3.06 it opened down as much as 14% after releasing its annual result on the market. I can't remember seeing the market change it's mind so comprehensively on a company of this size. It's gradually been improving all day and is now up 22% on yesterday's close. If you bought at today's low you would be up more than 42% on the day - on effectively no new news! Efficient markets...pfftt.
Redbubble business model - Claude Walker
I can't argue against first principle research. Follow Claude in "a rich life". I misunderstood the network effect, and I think it is a great lesson for investors. Do not take company presentation deck for granted; research the product first before looking at the presentation slides.
The article is free to read, but I will summarise the main points:
After looking at Claude's deep analysis, Redbubble has become a challenging company to analyse and invest. The business is no longer ethical, the evidence is strong, and it will cost the company long term with ongoing legal fees. The worst part of the business is that Redbubble is only a platform. They do not have unique IP to prevent artists from leaving the platform. The true moats in network effects are Google, Facebook, Apple and Amazon. They trap you in the ecosystem and monetise you (directly/indirectly).
I have reviewed my thesis due to a rethink of growth trajectory and poor showing on website traffic pages. Some general points with regards to buy/hold/sell are below.
Reasons to buy:
Reasons to hold:
Reasons to sell:
Today's price pop was interesting. Not a lot of volume so if I had to bet on what the cause was it would be amateur traders playing the Australian lockdown or some TA bowl shape I have seen mentioned. RBL makes its money overseas so I see no material change due to the Australian lockdowns/outbreak.
I have reduced my valuation down to $4.19 as a result of my revenue expectations. There is still some margin to play with but not a large margin of safety.
The thesis is close to being broken based on revised revenue expectations and google trend data. However, these are just guesses/estimates of the future financial results. I will be awaiting FY end numbers to make the final call. My conviction is lowered going forward with a strong potential of a sell occurring.
Expanding on Rapstar's seasonality of earnings straw. In my opinion the only way to compare the quarterly result is with the corresponding quarter. I have created a column graph of marketplace revenue by quarter. The general trends and seasonality are quite clear..
Holders need to be aware, this is a very seasonal business. Attached is the quarterly revenue numbers, which shows the slowdown, is all part of the seasonal cycle, although the slowdown is about 20% more severre than usual.
If that continues, Redbubble holders can expect a relatively flat FY2022, as the economy tranititions to a post-COVID reality.
General Notes
Has the thesis been broken?
Personal Sediment:
Coca-Cola Amatil Limited to be removed from the S&P/ASX 200 Index
SYDNEY, APRIL 16, 2021: S&P Dow Jones Indices announced today that it will remove Coca-Cola Amatil Limited (XASX: CCL) from the S&P/ASX 200, subject to final court approval of the scheme of arrangement whereby the company will be acquired by Coca-Cola European Partners Plc (XNYS: CCEP).
S&P Dow Jones will remove Coca-Cola Amatil Limited from the S&P/ASX 200 effective prior to the open of trading on April 22, 2021. Coca-Cola Amatil Limited will be replaced by Redbubble Limited (XASX: RBL) in the S&P/ASX 200 effective prior to the open of trading on April 22, 2021.
North American companies reported last week, and I thought about comparing key ecommerce companies using the metrics below.
The metrics that I chose were:
There are missing data points regarding customers and merchants especially for Amazon as they present their numbers under overall sales. Despite this, most key metrics are available for each company. I added Square just for fun, to see if they were an ecommerce company where would they fit?
An interesting insight from the data is that Redbubble has double the users of Kogan but the market cap is equivalent. The main takeaway is that Australian ecommerce companies have orders of magnitude fewer users than their American counterparts. It is perhaps the main reason why Australian ecommerce companies trade at a discount.
Since the last straw, Etsy came out with their Q4 2020 results:
In reply to El Paso and other recent posters about their offering.
my understanding of RBL's model is a little different
RBL do not hold inventory. They receive payment for an order. They then place an order from third party suppliers. So they hold the money before paying both the supplier and the designer. So have the use of "free cash" to use in promoting and expanding their business.
Etsy act as a marketplace. The designer/seller holds the inventory and Etsy clips the ticket of any purchase.
both benefit from flywheel network effects.
but agree that there is an awful lot of sh*te on the RBL and the site is a bit chaotic and bloated.
The best company to compare Redbubble is actually Etsy not Kogan. Etsy provide very similar products using ecommerce. As Etsy call their platform "the creative marketplace".
Both platforms have buyers and sellers but the difference is that the design is sold at Redbubble while the product is sold at Etsy. With Etsy you need to keep inventory while Redbubble takes care of inventory. Redbubble is more capital intensive as they have to build the product using the artist design.
Marketplace Revenue
Etsy = $839M as of October CY2020 (4Q will be out on Feb 25)
Redbubble = (349-180+353) = $522M as of December CY2020
So, Etsy will have ~ 2x more revenue than Redbubble prior to Q4 results, and is currently valued at $28B in the Nasdaq exchange. Redbubble's current market valuation is $1.6B, that is ~14x valuation difference. If Redbubble was to list in the Nasdaq, it should get a much higher valuation and the valuation difference would not be as extreme.
Platform Economics
Operating Metrics
Gross Margin (Gross Profit / Revenue)
Operating Margin (EBIT / Revenue)
In the unlikely scenario of Redbubble catching up to Etsy, I would not be surprised to see the market revalue Redbubble closer to Etsy. If that were to happen, it would mean Redbubble have become a large player in North America. Very rare to see Australian tech companies grab market share in North American markets. Looking at history, either our tech gets acquired or we get outcompeted by US tech firms with stronger network effects.
Looking at the data, Etsy wins hands down on all metrics - they are stronger than Redbubble. However, the ecommerce market is massive and there is a strong case to be made that the TAM keeps going up as more people operate their businesses online. Thus, Redbubble can maintain growth as the market is growing faster.
Another reason to own Redbubble is a potential acquistion by a company like Etsy. Etsy has $1.15B of cash on their balance sheet and could buyout Redbubble cheaply for $2B. Shareholders should not agree if they feel Redbubble has more room to grow. Corporate consolidation is the next stage for ecommerce companies and I think if Redbubble starts stepping on Etsy's turf we could get an acquisition offer.
In saying that, we are yet to see how Etsy performed in Q4 CY2020. Redbubble had a great (July-December) with revenues most likely coming from the last quarter (September - December) holiday period. Hence, it would not be outlandish to assume that Etsy would also have similar growth in the last quarter of 2020. Etsy could have a monster Q4 with $800M revenues which would mean $1.6B for 2020. It would extend their lead with 3x more revenues over Redbubble. If I were a Redbubble investor I would keep a very close eye on Etsy.
Amazing result by management
In other words, they are printing cash with $80M positive operating casflow. Here's some more unit economics:
Next step is to compare this result with Kogan on Feb 26
20-Nov-2020: Ausbiz: "The Call" - Stock of the day - Redbubble (RBL)
RBL closed at $4.97 +0.43c (+9.47%) on Friday (20-Nov-2020) on their "New CEO" announcement.
From Ausbiz (on Friday): Global print-on-demand online marketplace, Redbubble (RBL), has had a change in the big chair with former Seek exec, Michael Ilczynski who will replace Founder, Martin Hosking, who will now focus on the company's philanthropic efforts. RBL's sales have surged during he pandemic, with gross profit for Q1 surging 149% on Q1 FY20.
Today on The Call, Kochie asked his guests, Jun Bei Liu from Tribeca Investment Partners and Adam Dawes from Shaw and Partners for their views on RBL. Jun Bei likes the company although she thinks it is something of a speculative stock.
"It's expensive and it's been growing really fast and it's absolutely been the COVID beneficiary, given people are buying masks and doing e-commerce related things.
"But I like it because the company has done very well in terms of broadening out its product range... they make a very good margin out of the products that they do. The company is trading on a free cash flow yield of 4%. This is very rare for [stocks in] the tech space."
Adam also likes RBL as a speculative prospect and the fact that it has had a recent pullback.
"It hit some highs and it's come back to $4.85. It jumped today on the announcement of that new CEO. It looks interesting.
"Most of the sectors that are contributing to [market] growth have grown over 100% year-on-year. Despite [the sales of] face mask slightly pulling back over July and through to September... their margins are fantastic."
--- click on the link at the top to view and listen to the entire conversation (this is just a sample from it) ---
--- the other 10 stocks covered on this episode of Ausbiz' "The Call" were WHC, TLT, AGH, FXL, DOU, SLC, COL, ELO, URW & OML ---
[I do not hold shares in any of those 11 companies.]
[Edit: I do hold IFT (Infratil Ltd) and IFT holds 65.6% of TLT, so I do have indirect exposure to TLT. Jun Bei and Adam were not keen on TLT, however they were more positive on IFT - which was added to "The Call Portfolio" in October.]
Redbubble has seen an incredible change of fortune.
Late last year, shares lost their shine after the company reported slower than expected growth due to increased price competition. The price continued to sink lower following a surprise resignation of the CEO and an underwhelming first half result in February this year.
In March, at the height of the Covid panic, shares at one point touched 40c.
Since then, shares have gained an amazing 1200%, with shares up a further 10% today to an all time record high.
Today Redbubble reported a 116% rise in maretplace revenue for the first quarter of FY2021, with Gross profit up 149%. Operating cash flow came in at $27.1m, compared with $10.2m for the same period last year (the company now has over $85m in cash).
Growth was seen across all geographies and segments, although the US (Gross transaction volume up 102%) and accessories (which i presume is things like masks, was up 562%)
You can view today's investor presentation here