Company Report
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#ASX Announcements
Last edited 12 months ago

After 7 months of tumble weeds, Archer appears to have made great progress with its 12CQ Chip.

Archer have stated that they will provide greater details this week. 4dab9c34acab33f6f9714a64851ca3c3728cc8.png

Link to full announcement on the ASX.

Coming of a low base, but happy with the 26% uplift today.

I know Mo and the team are really busy, however would love to get Mo back for another chat, if possible, @Strawman

Disc hold IRL & SM

#ASX Announcements
Added 2 years ago

Archer transfers biochip graphene sensor technology design to a commercial fab to verify scalability


• Archer Materials has successfully completed a proof of concept biosensing graphene transistor for use in its biochip.

• The design has been submitted to a commercial foundry for a Multi-Project Wafer run

. • Fabrication at commercial foundries to verify the scalability of Archer’s design will occur in coming months with delivery of chips expected by the end of 2023

. • Archer has started discussions with potential global foundry partners for initial small production runs of its graphene chip designs to evaluate the reliability of the product.

• This is a major step towards the potential commercialisation of Archer’s biochip technology.

Would love to get Mo back at some point and provide an update.

Hold IRL & SM

#ASX Announcements
Added 2 years ago

Quite Achievers

ASX Announcement (ASX: AXE) 20 June 2023

Archer achieves qubit material functionality at room temperature in air Highlights

• Archer Materials has engineered its qubit material to mimic a high vacuum environment, preserving quantum functionality at room temperature in air.

• The semiconductor fabrication process is foundry-compatible and has the potential for technology translation to industrially scale Archer’s 12CQ qubit chip architecture

. • The preservation of quantum coherence in Archer’s qubit material at room temperature in air demonstrates a significant advantage over qubit proposals that are difficult to integrate onboard modern day devices

. • Archer’s unique qubit material is conveniently made from carbon, yet robust enough to generate quantum states for long enough times needed for quantum logic operations

. • Archer Materials is the only ASX listed company and one of a few players in the world developing qubit processor technology.

Disc Hold

Added 2 years ago

Third Quarter Activities Report and Appendix 4C For the three months ending 31 March 2023

Significant Activities

• The Company is well capitalised with approximately $24.4 million cash and no debt.

• 12CQ chip development advances to wafer-scale quantum electronic device fabrication using foundry-compatible UV optical and E-beam lithography

. • Hundreds of quantum electronic devices and qubit materials prepared for testing, measurement, integration, and optimisation towards qubit control and readout.

• Engagement with tier-one semiconductor companies, including TSMC, to secure future manufacturing capabilities and support technology development.

• Biochip technology milestone achieved, overcoming a conventional limitation of gFET sensing that paves the way to the selective detection of target molecules

. • The Company is actively and regularly pursuing exposure to international global semiconductor industry participants.

Don't Personally feel like $24 Million is a lot of money in this sector.

Nice to see us working with market leaders TSMC

Disc Hold IRL & SM

Added 2 years ago

Second Quarter Activities Report and Appendix 4C 

Archer Materials Provides Activities Report - A busy back end to last year, Can't wait to see what Mo and the team can achieve moving forward in 2023.

Significant Activities

• The Company is well capitalised with approximately $24.3 million cash and no debt

. • Significant advances made in 12CQ chip development, with some of the most powerful supercomputers in the world used to validate the 12CQ chip qubit material uniqueness

. • Major milestone achieved towards commercialisation of Archer’s biochip technology, with the development and custom-build of an operational, early stage end-to-end prototype system platform

• IP protection sought nationally and internationally for several biochip related patent applications, spanning molecular biology, wettable graphene transistors, and sensing system platforms.

• The Company is actively and regularly pursuing exposure to international global semiconductor industry participants.

Disc Hold IRL and SM.

#Bull Case
Added 2 years ago

I found this YouTube clip regarding Archer, it was shared on another platform,It's about 3 months old.

Love the way Mo talks about how they see themselves as disruptors and the possible applications moving forward.

When we talk about good management, this guy seems to be the real deal for me.

Excited by the future.

Disc Hold IRL and SM.

#ASX Announcements
Added 2 years ago

Another Price Sensitive announcement from Archer

Powerful supercomputers validate 12CQ qubit material uniqueness


- Some of the most powerful supercomputers have been used to pinpoint the origins of a key tech-enabling quantum phenomena observed in the 12CQ qubit material.

• The supercomputer analysis is a first, providing the most accurate simulations of Archer’s unique 12CQ qubit material, confirming a metallic-like nanocarbon

. • Archer will use the simulations to support the design and development of complex quantum electronic devices required for the future operation of the 12CQ chip

.• Archer is the only ASX listed company and one of a few players in the world developing qubit processor technology.

Hold IRL & SM

#ASX Announcements
Last edited 2 years ago

Slowly making way to potential profitability.

Early-stage prototype of biochip system platform


• In a major milestone towards biochip commercialisation, Archer has

implemented an integrated system platform for biosensing.

• Archer will use the biochip platform for quickly testing in-house biosensing

chips to obtain the relevant data for establishing commercial partnerships.

• The current system hardware and software paves the way for future designs

that embed single-chip multiplexing.

• Global semiconductor companies see sensors representing semiconductor

products with the greatest growth opportunity in the industry†.

• The biochip technology is being developed in-house by Archer staff and Archer

owns 100% of the related intellectual property.

Disc hold IRL and SM

#ASX Announcements
Added 2 years ago
#Bull Case
Added 3 years ago

@slymeat Also good news that the foundry is outside of China, especially with current tension.

#ASX Announcements
Added 3 years ago

Archer achieves its targeted goal of sub-10 nanometre (nm) feature size fabrication, in a major tech development breakthrough for the Company.

Disc Hold IRL & SM

#ASX Announcements
Added 3 years ago

Archer Materials (AXE) receives Hong Kong approval for their 12CQ quantum computing chip.

I believe this was the last pending patent.

Looking forward to seeing what the future holds.

Disc held IRL and SM

#ASX Announcements
Added 3 years ago

Archer continuing to achieve it's strategic goals.

Archer biochip progresses towards sub-10 nanometre fabrication


Disc - Held IRL & SM.

#ASX Announcements
Added 3 years ago

Patent Approval for Australia Granted.

Just Hong Kong to go (I think)



#ASX Announcements
Added 3 years ago

Archer Materials European patent granted for 12CQ quantum computing chip


Disc - Hold IRL and SM

#ASX Announcements
Added 3 years ago

SPP closes early  - Company Increases from $5 Million to $10 Million due to over subscribed.

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#ASX Announcements
Added 3 years ago

Trading Halt over the long weekend.

Thinking Cap Raise.

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#ASX Announcements
Added 4 years ago

US Patent granted.

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