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#ASX Announcements
Added 12 months ago

Archer transfers biochip graphene sensor technology design to a commercial fab to verify scalability


• Archer Materials has successfully completed a proof of concept biosensing graphene transistor for use in its biochip.

• The design has been submitted to a commercial foundry for a Multi-Project Wafer run

. • Fabrication at commercial foundries to verify the scalability of Archer’s design will occur in coming months with delivery of chips expected by the end of 2023

. • Archer has started discussions with potential global foundry partners for initial small production runs of its graphene chip designs to evaluate the reliability of the product.

• This is a major step towards the potential commercialisation of Archer’s biochip technology.

Would love to get Mo back at some point and provide an update.

Hold IRL & SM

#ASX Announcements
Added one year ago

Quite Achievers

ASX Announcement (ASX: AXE) 20 June 2023

Archer achieves qubit material functionality at room temperature in air Highlights

• Archer Materials has engineered its qubit material to mimic a high vacuum environment, preserving quantum functionality at room temperature in air.

• The semiconductor fabrication process is foundry-compatible and has the potential for technology translation to industrially scale Archer’s 12CQ qubit chip architecture

. • The preservation of quantum coherence in Archer’s qubit material at room temperature in air demonstrates a significant advantage over qubit proposals that are difficult to integrate onboard modern day devices

. • Archer’s unique qubit material is conveniently made from carbon, yet robust enough to generate quantum states for long enough times needed for quantum logic operations

. • Archer Materials is the only ASX listed company and one of a few players in the world developing qubit processor technology.

Disc Hold

Added one year ago

Third Quarter Activities Report and Appendix 4C For the three months ending 31 March 2023

Significant Activities

• The Company is well capitalised with approximately $24.4 million cash and no debt.

• 12CQ chip development advances to wafer-scale quantum electronic device fabrication using foundry-compatible UV optical and E-beam lithography

. • Hundreds of quantum electronic devices and qubit materials prepared for testing, measurement, integration, and optimisation towards qubit control and readout.

• Engagement with tier-one semiconductor companies, including TSMC, to secure future manufacturing capabilities and support technology development.

• Biochip technology milestone achieved, overcoming a conventional limitation of gFET sensing that paves the way to the selective detection of target molecules

. • The Company is actively and regularly pursuing exposure to international global semiconductor industry participants.

Don't Personally feel like $24 Million is a lot of money in this sector.

Nice to see us working with market leaders TSMC

Disc Hold IRL & SM

#ASX Announcements
Added 2 years ago

Another Price Sensitive announcement from Archer

Powerful supercomputers validate 12CQ qubit material uniqueness


- Some of the most powerful supercomputers have been used to pinpoint the origins of a key tech-enabling quantum phenomena observed in the 12CQ qubit material.

• The supercomputer analysis is a first, providing the most accurate simulations of Archer’s unique 12CQ qubit material, confirming a metallic-like nanocarbon

. • Archer will use the simulations to support the design and development of complex quantum electronic devices required for the future operation of the 12CQ chip

.• Archer is the only ASX listed company and one of a few players in the world developing qubit processor technology.

Hold IRL & SM

#ASX Announcements
Last edited 2 years ago

I listened to an interesting presentation by Archer (ASX:AXE) this morning and thought I’d share the notes I took. This includes the Q&A at the end.

Presentation slides as announced on the ASX

I do think Archer (ASX:AXE) is on to something great, but as with most things I invest in, it may take half a dozen years to be commercialized and reach its inflexion point.

From the presentation:

Archer is one of VERY FEW companies developing Qubit processors, and the only one listed on the ASX.

12CQ chip has unique advantages - particularly its suitability for hand-held/mobile devices - This is a competitive advantage.

World first is that the 12CQ chip operates at room temperature (normal conditions)

The current device is the result of over a decade of R&D


This is an emerging technology. There is still more to be done, and they are doing it.

Quantum computing will impact EVERY technology that relies on computing power. Especially industries relying on growing computing power.

Immense power even with a single cubit quantum computer.

Existing technology cannot solve many of man’s problems, and those it can solve it takes too damned long. As in centuries of processing.

Securing and protecting information is one important area. Qubit-based processing is a potential solution to encryption keys that are generated randomly and cannot be guessed.

Other work - Graphene based Bio Chip/ chip on a lab

Miniaturized bio-laboratoriy involving atom-thin technology.

Shrinking an entire lab onto a chip that can fit on your fingernail.

Leads to faster analysis time.


Huge barriers to entry in this field, but Archer has made some significant advances using Graphene transistors as ultrasensitive sensors to detect and analyze disease.


1) When do you think you will be able to have the product for customers to start using quantum computing?

We do have a commercial plan and do have R&D plan.

We are well within what we , and others in the industry expect.

Can’t give a prescriptive answer. Can’t be held to specific timelines.

2) Can Australia develop its own industry here?

Building a fab costs billions of dollars. That probably isn’t on the cards. But here are smaller scale set-ups that allow you to do a lot, but not large scale production.

3) How difficult was it to get the 12CQ chip onto CMOS and where did you manufacture it.

Nothing is easy. It was very difficult and took a long time with a dedicated team.

Using CMOS is a BIG deal.

Fabricated over at TSMC.

4) Where are you getting Graphene from and is it expensive?

I know how to make it because I was the first person to do so.

You can buy Graphene off the shelf or make it yourself using Ethanol.

Processes on how to produce production levels of Graphene is in the R&D pipeline.

5) How did you get into the IBM ecosystem?

We were invited in.

6) Can you talk about main challenges ahead? What is the key thing that keeps you awake WRT developing the IP.

There’s no set precedent with any of this work. There’s no Google search and there’s no back of the envelop stuff you can do from the work of others.

We need to solve every problem by ourselves.

It’s a brand new technology and is difficult to convince all necessary stake holders to get involved.

7) Why don’t you share your IP so others can come on board and add to it?

Protect IP first. That’s my answer!

Once your IP is protected then you can do as you will with opening up.

8) A recent report came out regarding building up the Australian semiconductor industry. What are your thoughts on how to get this up and running in Aust.

Can we do it - Yes, absolutely, we have the talent.

There are the right people who have the ability to see it through. We need commitment to fund it.

We need to concentrate on niches that we can excel in, and differentiate ourselves in.

We can already do this at a port-typing level within Australia. But not at production level.

#ASX Announcements
Added 2 years ago
#Bull Case
Added 2 years ago

I received the following email just now.

Archer breaks through sub-10nm, work begins with GlobalFoundries

In this edition of Archer’s Newsletter, we highlight a major tech development breakthrough for the Company and introduce you to our newly established global semiconductor supply-chain link with GlobalFoundries.

Archer’s core business involves the development of our 12CQ quantum chip and biochip technologies, which are underpinned by the Company’s nanofabrication capabilities. As you would appreciate, our work is complex. 

Achieving sub-10 nanometre lithographic processing of biochip components was a great outcome – it’s leading edge in the semiconductor industry and one that demonstrates the world-class capabilities of our pioneering team.

At Archer, we take an over-the-horizon view of what we do – we must anticipate greater involvement in the global semiconductor supply chain. To scale the fabrication of Archer’s chip technologies, the Company will need to work with industrial-scale manufacturers.

Archer is now positioned to leverage the expertise and capabilities of GlobalFoundries, a tier-one semiconductor manufacturer, to accelerate the development of our 12CQ quantum chip technology. 

We have a clear and specific focus at Archer to methodically advance our 12CQ quantum chip and biochip technologies, and I look forward to updating you on our progress.

#Bull Case
Added 2 years ago

Well, well well. I received the following newsletter today. Things certainly seem to be stepping up in the world of room temperature quantum computers, let alone the world of wearable/mobile quantum devises—both of which Archer and its 12CQ chip can achieve. Now they have a significant foundry involved. Way to go Archer!

Mass produced quantum processors. That will be a world first.

Newsletter copied below:

Archer and GlobalFoundries to advance 12CQ chip fabrication

Archer Materials Limited (ASX: AXE) is pleased to announce it will work with a world-leading semiconductor foundry, GlobalFoundries® (“GF®”) (“NASDAQ: GFS”), to advance the development of its 12CQ quantum chip technology (“12CQ chip”).


  • Archer has commenced working with GlobalFoundries towards industry fabrication of its 12CQ quantum chip technology.
  • GlobalFoundries is a world-leading semiconductor foundry, providing Archer with expertise, equipment, and manufacturing processes to develop the 12CQ chip.
  • Archer is the only ASX listed company and one of few players in the world developing qubit processor technology.

Archer’s innovation aims to integrate its unique qubit material with mobile-compatible devices that are in a form suitable for industrial-scale semiconductor nanofabrication. To scale the fabrication of Archer’s 12CQ chip devices and components, the Company will need to work with industrial-scale manufacturers in the global semiconductor supply chain (ASX ann. 21 Jul 2022).

Archer will access the technology facilities and manufacturing processes of GlobalFoundries® to explore pathways for potential high-volume manufacturing of 12CQ chip devices and components. Archer will work closely with GlobalFoundries® on device and circuit design, technology development, and high-volume chip fabrication.

Current quantum computing qubit architectures rely on custom made fabrication, unlike modern classical computing circuits that are manufactured in, and using, well-established industrial semiconductor facilities. Integrating qubit materials with existing industrial-scale foundries is a significant challenge in developing quantum processors.

Commenting on the semiconductor supply-chain link with GlobalFoundries®, Archer CEO Dr Mohammad Choucair said: “Archer is now positioned to leverage the expertise and capabilities of a tier-one semiconductor manufacturer to accelerate the development of the 12CQ quantum computing chip technology.”

#ASX Announcements
Added 2 years ago

Archer achieves its targeted goal of sub-10 nanometre (nm) feature size fabrication, in a major tech development breakthrough for the Company.

Disc Hold IRL & SM

#ASX Announcements
Added 2 years ago

Archer Materials (AXE) receives Hong Kong approval for their 12CQ quantum computing chip.

I believe this was the last pending patent.

Looking forward to seeing what the future holds.

Disc held IRL and SM

#ASX Announcements
Added 2 years ago

Is this the start of something beautiful for Archer?

You can’t sell it if you can’t fab it, but this now seems feasible for the 12CQ.

Running at room temperature, and now the real possibility of commercial fabrication.

More feathers in Archer’s cap.

#ASX Announcements
Added 2 years ago

Archer continuing to achieve it's strategic goals.

Archer biochip progresses towards sub-10 nanometre fabrication


Disc - Held IRL & SM.

#ASX Announcements
Added 2 years ago

Patent Approval for Australia Granted.

Just Hong Kong to go (I think)



#Bull Case
Added 2 years ago

SmallCaps interview with CEO of Archer, Mohammad Choucair on the 12CQ technology.

This interview is well worth the 9 minutes it takes to watch it. Choucair is so excited about this technology, and his excitment is infectious.

The interview is titled “Archer Materials’ quantum chip technology paving way for quantum-powered mobiles”. Choucair’ ‘s reveal of a physical device, that exists today, that can do quantum computing in a mobile device, may get overlooked by many, but I am completely blown away by it.

The written article can be found at

Interesting fact: Choucair, at the tender age of 23, was the first person in the world to chemically make Graphene at bulk levels. What an interesting chap!

What an impressive CV he has. And then there is also the other amazing talent employed by Archer. Choucair mentions some of them in the interview.

With Choucair running the show, I don‘t think Quantum Computing will be the only quantum technology that comes out of Archer. There’s already their Lab on a Chip, but I expect even more.

Choucair goes on to my very small list of CEOs I care to listen to. He tells things straight.

#Substantial Holder
Added 3 years ago

AXE as of 14/1/22: a substantial holder of CMX = voting power of 12.75%

We Are ChemX Materials

We are an advanced materials technology company. ChemX has developed a proven process to produce High Purity Alumina (HPA) – a critical input for battery technology.

Disc': RL & S.M

#ASX Announcements
Added 3 years ago

Graphene integrated with silicone electronics

This announcement from Archer Materials is focused on their biotech project (lab-on-a-chip).

They have announced that they have integrated single atom-thick graphene to silicone wafer which is significant progress toward development of a biochip which analyses biological specimens on a nano scale. The company states that the biochip could be used to "enable the complex detection of some of the world's most communicable diseases".

I won't pretend that I have a deep knowledge of this space, I would love for anyone who does to chime in and offer any analysis on this emerging technology.

The announcement is an interesting read, not difficult with some imagination to come up with some interesting use cases.

I bought a small position IRL and SM a while ago for some speculative exposure to the quantum computing/nanotech space.


#ASX Announcement 13/1/22
Added 3 years ago

Graphene integrated with silicon electronics


  • Archer addresses a key nanotech challenge in its biochip development by successfully integrating single atom-thick graphene on a silicon wafer
  • . Archer intends to use graphene as an ultrasensitive sensor for detecting and analysing diseases.
  • The biochip has been developed in-house by Archer staff and Archer owns 100% of the biochip technology intellectual property.

Disc: I hold

#ASX Announcements
Added 3 years ago

Archer enters a new era of growth as a pure-play deep tech

Archer Materials Limited (“Archer”, the “Company”, “ASX:AXE”) is pleased to announce that it has completed the sale of the Company’s mineral exploration business to iTech Minerals Ltd (“iTech”). Archer is now a pure-play deep technology company.
Tomorrow, the iTech shares will be issued to eligible Archer shareholders with holding statements to be sent early next week.
iTech have successfully completed their initial public offering and expect to list on ASX sometime in the last week of October 2021.
In-line with the Company’s strategy, Archer will now seek to change its GICS code from ‘Materials - Diversified Metals & Mining’ to ‘Information Technology - Semiconductors’, which is required in the process to have the Company admitted to the S&P/ASX All Technology Index.

#ASX Announcements
Added 3 years ago

A$15 million raised through successful placement to domestic and global institutional investors.

Archer this morning has announced that it has received firm commitments for A$15 million via an institutional placement of 10.3 million new fully paid ordinary shares. This gives the company funds to pursue the development of their 12CQ chip. Share price is down about 7% as of 12pm.

The company says that the funds will be used for the following:

  • Progressing Archer’s world-first technology development, including its 12CQ chip and Biochip.
  • Utilising world-class technology development infrastructure and facilities, R&D, people, and IP, to support pre-market development of Archer’s technologies.
  • Protecting intellectual property assets (e.g. patents and international patent applications) underpinning the Company’s technology.
  • Establishing and strengthening new and existing commercial partnerships in Australia and abroad.
  • General working capital requirements.


  • Successful completion of a A$15 million placement at A$1.45 per share.
  • Non-underwritten Share Purchase Plan to be offered to eligible investors to raise up to a further A$5 million.
  • Funds raised will be primarily used to develop Archer’s 12CQ quantum computing chip and lab-on-a-chip biochip technologies.
  • Funds will also enable the Company to pursue further technology and commercial development in the US.

DISC: Held currently.

View Attachment

#ASX Announcements
Added 3 years ago

US Patent granted.

View Attachment

#What is Quantum Computing
Added 3 years ago

AXE Quantum Computing + ITech IPO


Market Cap:  $454Mill

Fully Paid Ord. Shares $227.7Mill

Price $2.00

Cash: Operating cash flow / Total tangible assets: zero%

Total liabilities / Total tangible assets: Ok buoyant at 0.025

Net Debt / equity:  -37%

Total available funding 30th June 2021:  $6,239Mill

Estimated quarters of funding available : 9.9 Quarters =  6,239 / 631

Note: no Dividend  paid so no Gordon  Analysis here.



Location: Offices Adelaide, Sydney

The board: Dr Mohammad Choucair

Chief Executive Officer


Dr Choucair was the first person in the world to directly synthesise graphene (the thinnest material known) in gram-scale quantities as a bulk powder - now a common goal amongst researchers. Subsequently, the work was identified by the Royal Society of Chemistry as one of the biggest chemical breakthroughs of 2008, and in 2011 Dr Choucair received the coveted Cornforth Medal from the Royal Australian Chemical Institute. Dr Choucair is currently developing a nanoscale device as part of a quantum computer that could be capable of indirectly addressing problems associated to human health and the environment. He invented the carbon material that formed the basis of the device. Dr Choucair has also been actively involved in the enhancement of lithium ion battery storage devices and demonstrated some of the first examples of graphene application in batteries. In addition, Dr Choucair has synthesised a novel class of metal-decorated fullerenes ('fullerides') that were capable of reversible hydrogen storage with potential applications in hydrogen fuel cells and industrial catalysis. Dr Choucair was recognised by Virgin Australia as one of the Top Australian Stars of 2016, honouring people from diverse fields who showed excellence, dedication, ambition and community-mindedness in offering new perspectives on seemingly intractable problems. Dr Choucair is currently serving a 2-year mandate as Councillor on the World Economic Forum's Global Future Council for Advanced Materials. Dr Choucair is now involved with the Council in drafting aspects related to Advanced Materials in The Global Risks Report.

Mr Gregory David English: Executive Director,Executive Chairman (Since 2015)


Mr English has more than 25 years of engineering and legal experience and has held roles for Australian and multinational companies. Greg is an company director and also serves on the boards of other ASX listed companies. He is a memberof the Risk Management Committee.

Other current directorships

Non-Executive Chairman,Non-Executive Director CXO Core Lithium Ltd

Gregs Current holding : 18Mill shares

WHY THIS idea?

Quantum computing represents the next generation of powerful computing. A qubit processor is the most crucial hardware component of a quantum computer.

Archer is developing a qubit processor chip, that could potentially operate at room temperature and integrate into modern electronics.

Current quantum computing technologies are limited in ownership and use because they use qubit processors that can only operate at low temperatures and/or are difficult to integrate in modern electronics.

The successful development of Archer’s 12CQ room-temperature qubit processor chip could potentially provide a breakthrough solution to the widespread use and ownership of quantum computing powered technology, owing to the unique materials properties of the 12CQ chip.

The 12CQ qubit processor chip is being built by the Archer team in Sydney, Australia, in a world-class semiconductor foundry with an ISO Class 5 Level cleanroom housing state-of-art nanofabrication instrumentation. The work is led by Archer CEO and 12CQ inventor Dr Mohammad Choucair, and Archer’s Quantum Technology Manager Dr Martin Fuechsle, the inventor of the single-atom transistor. The 12CQ chip is based on work published in the prestigious journal Nature Communications, and patent application filed in Australasia, the EU, and US.


Australia has a critical mass of expertise in quantum computing and is at the forefront of the industry. There are currently very few publicly listed companies that offer exposure to financial returns from quantum computing technology.

The quantum computing industry forms a niche but quickly growing part of the global half-a-trillion-dollar semiconductor industry, which generates the highest value in investment returns through the step-change development of technology and underlying intellectual property.

Successful commercialisation of Archer’s 12CQ qubit processor chip technology could catalyse the global quantum computing industry by servicing existing and emerging consumer markets reliant on increased computational power like artificial intelligence (AI) and blockchain technologies like digital currencies.


Our strategy is to develop a qubit processor chip that can be directly sold and the intellectual property rights to the chip technology sublicensed by:

De-risking the technology by building a room-temperature operational qubit processor chip prototype. Development involves assembling and testing chip components by applying a deep understanding of nanotechnology, materials chemistry, and quantum physics.

Establishing partnerships with highly resourced organisations in the semiconductor industry. Commercial development involves prosecuting patent applications in Australasia, Europe and the US, to provide the commercial freedom to operate in these markets.


Peers :

Best Quantum Computing Stocks To Buy [Or Sell] Now


Why Invest?

Quantum computers are continually improving and becoming more affordable to develop, and the advent of cloud computing is making quantum technology even more accessible for researchers and software developers. Computing power needs are ballooning as the digital economy expands, with spending on global cloud computing alone predicted to rise to $1 trillion annually within the next decade. Quantum computing could emerge as a key technology in the years ahead


2021 is likely to be a year where quantum computer system sizes and capabilities grow, and more and more offerings shift to cloud-based ‘Quantum as a Service’ delivery,” Biercuk said.

“It will place us well into industry roadmaps towards 1000 qubit machines, meaning we’ll see some very impressive hardware performance metrics being reported.

“We’ll also likely be a bit overwhelmed by continuing claims and counterclaims of performance from different manufacturers – all of that will work out in the wash as applications continue to emerge.

“There’s more than enough space in the community for multiple hardware providers, especially as system architectures and software stacks remain an active area of R&D.”.


ITech IPO : For eligible holders.

Declare: in the portfolios RL, SM

Added 3 years ago

AXE patent query

Discolsure I own AXE in my personal portfolio.

Fanstaic news for AXE today.

However I have some concerns about the patent and was wondering if It is at all possible that University of NSW has any claim to IP.

Dr Mohammad Choucair PHD was submitted at NSW and appears to be based on synthesis and purification of carbon nano onions.

and the international patent states this is what is applied for:

"Disclosed herein are complexes comprising graphene compositions thereof. Also disclosed herein are methods of synthesising said complexes and compositions, and the use of said complexes and compositions in, for instance, biomolecular sensing."

My concern is that the IP applied for is based on work from his PHD.

Do people think this is a vaild concern or is this a fairly common thing to occur? Or has UNSW sold its "ownership" of the research ?

his phd is easily available online.