Company Report
Last edited 3 years ago
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#Business Model/Strategy
Last edited 3 years ago

Ever been to the Berkshire website? If you haven’t, do yourself a favour and see how a USD600B company presents themselves. While there is no ‘About’ link, it doesn’t take you long to work out what they do.

Live Tiles on the other hand, I get it, they make apps. But working out what those apps do, how they are used and what value they add, well that is a completely different proposition. 

Our friend Google didn’t return much when looking for reviews, or configuration guides, so I went to YouTube (GoogleTube). There were shameless self-promotional videos showing off their seriously swish office space. For a company that lost 30M, they are possibly focusing their expenditure in the wrong place.

Following the Google experience, I downloaded Reach and spent about 30 minutes going through it with the Get Started assistant. While the world is moving toward mobile everywhere, but this to me is a solution looking for a problem. Maybe it’s just me, but I avoid Yammer, Pulse Surveys, Slack chatter 

It is also acknowledged it’s the content that matters. To use a George Fuechsel-ism, Garbage in Garbage Out. If your company was dedicated to the cause and adopted Reach as the source of truth for events, news, etc it could be valuable. I wonder though how much content curation would be required. 

There must be some who are taking to Reach specifically as contracted revenue in the last year grew circa 50%, with Reach up over 1000%. 

All the metrics seem to be heading the right direction, it’s just that pesky profitability issue. Above I mentioned the smick office space, however, it could also be the workforce balance with 40% of the team in “corporate” or “sales”. 

For me at least, this one is in the too hard basket.