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#Buy Oracle Shares
Last edited 8 months ago

I wanted to avoid posting on Prophecy and I know this will be a very unpopular low vote post and damage my ranking.

But I can't help myself again!

These slides just screams "Buy Oracle" even if it is $100+ USD and you need to fill in that WB form to receive the quarterly dividends to ensure you are not taxed too much.


There is also a partnership fee when joining the Oracle Partner Network. I know as the company I work for is part of the OPN.

On top of that, there are ongoing certification fees and certification expires after 2 years. - but of course you have a choice to do it once and not do it again.

Then of course there's commissions etc... to Oracle for being a partner which cuts into the margins.acad83f95bd029584ba2b160135168a53548ea.png

On the move to Oracle Cloud I have a feel this will cost quite a bit and need new hires to maintain emite and Snare on Oracle Clloud Infrastructure. Hence the mention about the hosting cost. Hopefully for shareholders the containers before the move were running latest versions so it would be less labour intensive. Prophecy had no choice because it is obvious that some of their government and NGO clients are making the move to Oracle Cloud. This is why it makes more sense to buy Oracle shares instead.

I could get into more detail on Virtual container image maintenance etc.. on OCI but that will be beyond the scope of this post and will just confuse everyone more. You can do a google search on Patch Hypervisor or Host and Virtualbox for a basic primer of what this could involve but I can assure it is a pain when you patch your Linux system only to find your little Virtual machines and docker stuff suddenly don't work.

Having said that, I think the cycle of moving off deprecated systems in OCI on average is about about 2-3 years.


You are probably aware from the last Sydney meetup about my background in Oracle Cloud so feel free to probe me a bit more on this.

Last edited 2 years ago

@Solvetheriddle The GM% is 100% according to Yahoo Finance since Gross Profit = Total Revenue (ie: Cost of Goods/Services =0).

This is typical of most SAS firms where they set the cost of goods/services to zero and then bundling the expenses under "Other expense". Personally I find that confusing as it would be good if the cost of spent maintaining the codebase of eMite and Snare such as fixing bugs and adding new features is made clearer in the income statement.


Maybe this expense is here?


When investor relations can't reply to a simple question like what you asked it is not a good look. Or they can at least point you to Yahoo Finance

I did used to hold at over a dollar but sold around the 70s/80s out when I got sick of the share price trending down. I think that was a good move after studying their eMite and Snare products a bit further (perhaps there is something cyclical about the products esp eMite but can't quite pinpoint it yet) so I'm not as bullish as the others here but time will tell.

#Business Model/Strategy
Added 2 years ago

Emite Pricing and Centrica contract

Recently Prophecy won a 12 month contract with Centrica - a UK energy firm - with revenue of around 645K /yr

The emite pricing is also calculated by connected hours. However the announcement doesn't really get into the numbers very well. Neither does the pricing. Pricing is below if you want to try your hand in calculating it.

Given that the announcement claims Centrica can have calls of up to 16m a month, they may be lucky to get more money. So the 645k estimate seems conservative but again it's hard to say.

Also don't know about the implementation cost.


#ASX Announcements
Added 2 years ago

Investor presentation from the recent NWR Conference I presume

Also had a sold quarter only to be caught up in the recent tech selloff.

Looks like lots of growth from eMite but Snare cybersecurity product still a bit slow and is similar experience faced with most pure play cybersecurity firms such as TNT and AR9 that are struggling to gain traction.

