Company Report
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#ASX Announcements
Added 4 years ago

Depth extension drilling commences at Europe's largest graphite resource

Talga began drilling at their Vittangl graphite project in Sweeden. "The source of the worlds greenest Li-ion battery anodes"

Expected to be completed by mid october, with assay results beginning of Q4 2021


Talga hasn't seen a lot of love in the share price lately & has been lagging behind a lot of the other anode producers/explorers in the EV space. They have goals to be the largest battery anode producer outside of China by 2025/26 with more than 100,000tpa of anode.

Nice to see some commentary about the status and progress of their permits. They have submitted exploration concessions permits to the government for the Niska project & plan to submit the environmental permit for this project once their other project "Nunasvaara South" environmental approval has been granted (expected mid-2022)