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#ASX Announcements
Added 4 years ago

Latest announcement from TLG with 3rd paty assessment of how green their battery anode is, in comparison to industry standard.

Why is this important?

Talga is situatied in Sweden. Several of the worlds largest car manufacturers and production sites are also based in Europe. 

The EU recently announced their intention to introduce a Carbon Borded Adjustment Mechanism. Currently, large polluters in the EU are punished for their sins by paying a penalty. But if a company assembles a product with parts produced in another country, they do not pay any cost for that carbon. As such, heavy industries have died out in much of the EU, moved to China where there are no such restraints and pollute much more ferociously than the original facilities in the EU. The law of unintended consequences.

To correct this, from 2025, all imports will have a carbon cost attributed to their production and an additional tarrif applied. The idea is that the cost of that pollution will then be priced in, thus levelling the playing field for European industries and hopefully encouraging cleaner practices elsewhere in the world. Where Europe leads and sets a standard, the world often follows (see Data privacy).

This should lower the cost differential between one of Talga's anodes in comparison to cheaper dirtier synthetic ones manufactured in China.

Life Cycle Assessment Highlights Talga’s World-Leading Green Battery Anode

  • Life Cycle Assessment (LCA) shows Talga's flagship battery anode product, Talnode®-C, is world’s greenest graphite anode

  • This initial LCA into Talga's planned lithium-ion battery anode production in Sweden was completed by Hitachi ABB Power Grids

  • Production of Talnode®-C emits 96% less greenhouse gas than incumbent EV battery anode produced in China

  • Equivalent to a reduction of ~2,900,000 tonnes of CO2 per million EVs produced

  • Results show 86% of Talnode®-C production emissions are inherited from external

    suppliers, allowing for further optimisation through strategic procurement processes

  • LCA accords to ISO 14040 - 14044 standards and the German Association of Automotive Industry principles for data collection

    Battery anode and advanced materials company Talga Group Ltd (“Talga” or “the Company”) is pleased to announce the results of a Life Cycle Assessment (“LCA”) of Talga's flagship lithium-ion battery anode product Talnode®-C.

    The LCA was conducted by consulting firm Hitachi ABB Power Grids (“Hitachi”) to quantify the cradle-to-gate1 life cycle environmental impact of Talnode®-C production according to ISO 14040:2006 and ISO 14044:2006 standards, whilst following the German Association of the Automotive Industry principles for data collection.

    The global warming potential of production of 1 kilogram of Talnode®-C is 1.477 kilogram CO2equivalent, driven by Talga’s unique high-yield graphite ore, innovative anode process and use of renewable energy. Of this total, only 14% (or 0.207 kilogram CO2 equivalent) is directly related to Talga’s processes (Scope 1 emissions), while the remainder is related to emissions from external suppliers. The Company foresees significant opportunities to further reduce the environmental impact of Talnode®-C through strategic sustainable procurement.

Compared to synthetic graphite anode produced in China, this is a reduction of 96% in greenhouse gas emissions, which is equivalent to a reduction of ~2.9Mt of CO2 per million EVs produced2.

Talga’s northern Swedish location has proximity to customers and availability of low-carbon transport options, such as electric trains, providing further mine-to- customer environmental advantages past the factory gate.