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#Elon Rumors
Added 4 years ago

Elon is a business magnet. 

  • He is in Sweden and like what happened with Germany he is probably talking with government regulators to localise supply chain regarding raw material for the anode and cathode. 
  • Sweden has graphite deposits and I am guessing Talga is one of the companies that hold a stake on those deposits. 
  • Talga is also doing Tal-node Si which is their version for adding more silicon in the anode.  The difference between Talga and Tesla is that Talga's process still has a "wet" component while Tesla is all "dry" with Maxwell DBE.
  • In the US, Tesla formed a commercial agreement with Piedmont Lithium as Piedmont controlled one of the largest deposits of Lithium. So far, Gigafactory Berlin is nearing completion, hence Elon wants to get all his raw materials ready before the Model Y ramp. Sweden is close by, but also the Czech Republic.
  • Another company to look at is Eurometals listed in ASX. They control deposits that are of value to Tesla and is close to Berlin, but that would involve Elon talking with the Czech government to extract the resource. If Elon's next trip is to the Czech Republic, good chance Eurometals would be a discussion point. 
  • I have no clue what is going to happen, but looking at the past, what is obvious is that Tesla wants to localise its supply chain so that raw materials travel shorter distances. A lot more mining companies can get a Piedmont type of valuation depending on how much they are hoarding and if Tesla is interested. 

These are all rumours and all my assumptions. Not sure if it warrants a thread or a discussion?  

No denying it, Elon is like a vacuum cleaner. He needs more nickel and more lithium :D