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#ASX Announcements
Added 2 years ago

Uniti share price spiked by 10% today due to media speculation that Macquarie Asset Management and PSP Investments have made a $5 a share bid for Uniti Group. Now in a trading halt, watch this space.

#ASX Announcements
Added 2 years ago

Uniti Group gone into a trading halt this morning. There is takeover speculation again, but I doubt that management would accept anything below $4, as management mentioned last year that they thought the business was undervalued around $4.

Added 3 years ago

UWL announced that they are doing a buyback this morning. Shows that they are confident about their cashflow and see the current share price as undervalued. This is great to know taking into account the number of acquisitions they have done over the last two years. Very few companies have locked in growth almost doubling earning over the next 5 years. A long term hold for me in my personal portfolio.

Added 3 years ago

The Uniti share price got smashed by 20% in one day last week only to recover this week. This was over director Vaughan Bowen being accused of insider trading in Vocus and his court hearing will be due in November. This is not related to the performance of the Uniti business in anyway, but could have the effect of changing sentiment towards managment if it gets a lot of media attention. It will be interesting to see if the share price takes another dive if Vaugan is sentenced for up to 15 years jail per charge of which there are two. If there is another leg down in the share price I would consider it a buying opportunity. 

#Full year 21 financials
Added 3 years ago

Good report from UWL today showing fantastic organic growth in just 6 month. All metrics were heading in the right direction but I particularly like the fact organic growth is now well and truly kicking in with an increase in contracted premises of 24% or 48000.

Earnings above consensus. FY21 EBITDA(u) $93.7M (pcp $26.5M)

June 2021 exit run-rate EBITDA(u) of $133.4M, ~15% increase on December 2020

Record revenue, earnings and free cash-flow generation

Free Cash Flow at 68% of EBITDA(u) for the full year

Contracted FTTP ‘order book’ expands by 24% to >250,000 in 6 months to 30 June 2021, net of ~16,000 premises connected

Net Leverage reduced to ~1.5X June 2021 exit run-rate EBITDA(u) from 2.2X at December 2020

#Bull Case
Added 3 years ago

Uniti Group to report on the 24th of August. I am expecting them to provide a lot more detail on the locked in growth they have going forward. Dont be surprised if the share price runs up between now and then in antisipation of this news. 

I came across this article which gives a great overview of the business -

#Bull Case
Added 3 years ago

Uniti Groups share price up today. Money being paid out to Vocus share holders today and they will be looking for a new home for their funds and UWL is an obvious choice. Looking forward to their update in August. Also a good article in the Financial Review today see below.

#Bull Case
Added 3 years ago


After the massive run up in share price, the bull case for UWL is still very much in tact. Click below to get great insights into the business with its CEO Mick Simmons. Next stop could be the ASX 100 after entering the ASX 200 recently. 

Vocus has been taken over and money will be paid out to those shareholders in the next few days. You would think that money would be looking for a new home and UWL seems to be an obvious choice being in the same sector. This could provide more support to the share price. 

Uniti Group AusBiz

#Bull Case
Added 3 years ago

This article which is a bit out of date but still very relavant shows the shareholder value created by the $UWL team when they ran TPG and M2 Group. History seems to repeating itself. Management are a key focus for me when investing and I regard the $UWL team very highly.

Game changing acquisition positions Uniti, our Stock of the Week, for share price growth

By Trevor Hoey. Published at Jun 19, 2020, in Stock of the Week

It was just this week that analysts at Bell Potter ran the ruler across diversified telecommunications company Uniti Group (ASX:UWL), making earnings upgrades and increasing their price target to $2.25 following the $532 million acquisition of Opticomm, a transaction that will drive substantial growth in the near to medium-term.

Bell Potter’s price target implies share price upside of 32% relative to Thursday’s closing price of $1.70

Uniti’s share price traded strongly during late-April and throughout May to hit a high of $1.72, but when the Dow plunged more than 1800 points last week it retraced to $1.54.

While the share price recovery that occurred this week can be in part attributed to a recovery in equities markets, it was the game changing acquisition that should be the focus when assessing the company’s growth profile, scope for further expansion and underlying valuation.

As a backdrop, Opticomm is one of the largest private providers of telecommunications infrastructure networks in Australia, and the group is expected to generate revenues of $70 million in fiscal 2020.

Importantly, it is a high margin business, underlined by EBITDA projections of $38.7 million in fiscal 2020.

Highlighting the potential earnings boost that Opticomm provides, Uniti’s pro forma post-acquisition EBITDA is $86.7 million.

One of the other key benefits of Opticomm is the earnings predictability that it brings to the group because of the significant proportion of recurring revenue.


Vocus, TPG, M2 team at the helm

Management estimates that the acquisition will be immediately earnings per share accretive to the tune of 23% with increasing incremental growth to occur as synergies are realised.

However, it is one thing to make projections regarding anticipated synergies, but another to actually realise these expectations in the form of increased revenues and earnings.

The good news for Uniti is that the company already has established a track record of successfully integrating acquisitions, but arguably of more importance, it has high profile executives including managing director Michael Simmons who has taken other ASX listed telcos down this path before.

Simmons has nearly 40 years of experience in the media and telecommunications industry as a CEO, Director or CFO over this period.

He was the founding chief executive of TPG Telecom (formerly SP Telemedia Limited/NBN Enterprises Pty Ltd), a non-Executive Director of M2 Telecommunications Limited, managing director of Terria (the industry bid to build NBNCo) and chief executive of Vocus Group.

TPG, M2 and Vocus all delivered outstanding shareholder returns on the back of growth by acquisitions.

The following chart shows the outstanding share price performance of TPG Telecom (ASX:TPM) that was largely attributed to the substantial earnings growth that stemmed from acquisitions during the period.


As M2 acquired approximately 20 companies over the course of 15 years, it transitioned from a mere minnow to a group valued at about $1.3 billion, and another Uniti executive in Vaughan Bowen played an active role in the process.

Bowen has held various directorships over the past 10 years, was the founder of M2 Group Limited, previously chairman of Vocus Group Limited and is currently the chairman of the Telco Together Foundation.

While M2 was acquired by Vocus, the following historical share price chart shows its strong acquisition led performance between 2006 and 2016 with the last leg up being its response to the Vocus takeover.


Bowen joined Uniti Group Limited in the role of Executive Director in March 2019 to lead the company's mergers and acquisitions activities.

Before examining the operational benefits of the Opticomm transaction, it is worth noting the performance of the broader S&P/ASX 200 Communication Services index (XTJ) throughout the recent period of volatility.

With communications services being of an essential nature, the sector has historically been a defensive area to park your money.

This is still the case, as evidenced by the following chart (as at 16/06/20 - date Opticomm acquisition announced), which shows the degree of outperformance by the XTJ (blue line) over the last six months, but more importantly the significantly shallower trough at the bottom of the downturn demonstrates the sector’s resilience and stability.


Opticomm has dominant positions in niche markets

Opticomm is a designer, builder, owner and operator of wholesale open access telecommunications infrastructure networks.

The group is a national provider of fibre-to-the-premises telecommunications networks to new residential, commercial and retail developments.

It has a particularly strong competitive position in greenfield sites, and management has made good progress in targeting markets such as retirement living and community precincts.

With growing demand for high-speed Internet connectivity, the company’s products and services should be highly sought after, and there is a legislative requirement for fixed line fibre telecommunications infrastructure to be made available in new housing developments, effectively providing regulatory support.

While we already emphasised the importance of Opticomm’s business model in terms of earnings visibility from its established businesses, it is also worth noting the growth transparency that is evident when considering that it has a current combined order book of nearly 190,000 contracted lots for future delivery.

Opticomm has 39 retail service providers on its network, as well as long-term relationships with developers.

The company’s success in expanding its presence, particularly on the eastern seaboard is demonstrated below.


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#Bull Case
Added 3 years ago

$UWL market cap $1.6B (share price $2.42), 2021 revenue run rate $200m, EBITDA run rate $116m. Management have contracted connections which will double revenue in 5 years at a minimum, without management doing anything and at a 70% margin. EBITDA to increase by 2.2 times.

Upside to revenues include the likelihood that users will upgrade to faster higher priced plans to meet the demand for higher speeds needed to stream videos games etc

Further upside to growth will come from $UWL's functional separation approval, allowing them to be the first super fast broadband network to be a wholesale and retail provider opening up another large market for them.

Having been a shareholder of $ALU for a number of years and seeing the market price in their 5 year targets to some extent, due to managements consistent performance, I can see the same happening with UWL.

$UWL is likely to be a takeover target, but I hope it doesn't happen too early as there is a lot of growth to play out. If there is an offer it would need to be at much higher levels due to the certainty of future growth and profitability over the next 5 years.

Based on current multiples and on the most base case I would value $UWL at $6, working on a 15x EBITDA multiple in 5 years, a lot of upside to the current price of $2.44 today. Disclosure - I own and it has been my largest holding for the last 18 months.

#Bull Case
Last edited 5 years ago

I originally purchased based on the quality of the management team and their success in building M2 Telecomunications into a billion dollar company. They look to be doing the same with UWL, having made some great acquisitions over the past few months. 

The aquisitions they have made all seem to be growing by about 30% plus per annum. They are all good recurring revenue models and UWL have done a great job of incentivising previous management and owners to stay on and build the individual businesses. 

The business has $30m in cash and a further $60m available to borrow for other acquisitions that come up.