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Added a month ago

Blair Norfolk on Ausbiz today:

"we love to under promise and over deliver"

Added a month ago


29 July 2024

Biome shares revenue target as part of Vision 27 Strategic Plan

  • ● Biome sets revenue target of up to $85m cumulative through the next three years (FY25-FY27)
  • ● Biome exceeded the last three-year cumulative target (FY21-24) by 14% overall ($24m vs $21m)

○ The final year of this plan was exceeded by 30% ($13m vs $10m) ● Biome’s Vision 27 target of up to $85m represents an over 400%

increase on previous three-year target

Microbiome health company Biome Australia Limited (ASX: BIO) (‘Biome’ or ‘the company’) is pleased to announce a revenue target that will be driven by Biome’s Vision 27, three-year strategic plan, due to be released to the market later this quarter.

The cumulative revenue target has been set at a range of $75m to $85m over three years (1 July, 2024 - 30 June, 2027). This represents more than 400% growth over the preceding period’s target of $21m and 350% compared to the actual result of $24m in cumulative sales revenue (FY21-24).

The key focus is to continue to invest for growth while continuing to grow profit.

Biome will share the complete Vision 27 with the market later this quarter, supported by an investor webinar.

Added 2 months ago

BIO appears on The Call on Ausbiz today.

Click here

Michael Wayne and Henry Jennings both gave it what I gather was a quick look over.

Both suggesting that investors take profits at this point, given the run up in SP.