Company Report
Last edited 12 months ago
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#Business Model/Strategy
Added 12 months ago

For those that went through the NDF report in the DXB straw, there was mention about Sparsentan which is another drug that is meant to treat FSGS and reduce proteinuria.

Noticed that CSL has marketing rights for Sparsentan in Europe, Australia and New Zealand so I will post here.

Unfortunately Sparsentan could not be expanded for treatment of FSGS. Although the the DUPLEX study did not reach the endpoint, they thought the data was enough to secure an NDA (New Drug application) for FSGS from the authority but was not successful. However, Travere is going to keep trying by gathering more data for FDA to review.

Regulatory Updates for both IgAN and FSGS

Travere downsizes after a failed bid for sparsentan label expansion

Close but not close enough. But worth watching Tavere for any progress.

Added 2 years ago

Top sellers on the register including State Street who lends out shares for shorts and has massive holding.

At 258, CSL is now below the capital raise price for the Vifor takeover. Falling DXY doesn't help.


On the other hand, brokers still putting in high price targets of $300+.