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#H1 FY2021 Results
Added 3 years ago

18-Feb-2021:  Half Year Results Announcement   plus   Half Year Results Investor Presentation

and:   Statutory Accounts for the Half Year Ended 31 Dec 2020

CSL Delivers a Strong Half Year Result of $1.8 Billion* Net Profit

  • CSL delivered a strong first half result for 2021 with reported net profit after tax of $1,810 million, up 44% at CC** reflecting:
    • Solid growth in our core immunoglobulin portfolio led by HIZENTRA®
    • Successful transition to own distribution model in China
    • Strong growth in the leading HAE product HAEGARDA®
    • Exceptionally strong performance by Seqirus
    • CSL’s diversified portfolio and resilient business model in the midst of COVID-19 pandemic
    • Full financial recognition of contracted income for UQ COVID-19 vaccine in first half, after program termination
  • Earnings per share $3.98, up 44% at CC**
  • Interim dividend*** of US$1.04 per share, up 9%
    • Converted to Australian currency, the interim dividend is approximately A$1.34 per share down 9%
  • FY21 net profit after tax is anticipated to be in the range of approximately $2,170 million to $2,265 million at constant currency


  1. (*) All figures are expressed in US dollars unless otherwise stated.
  2. (**) Constant currency (CC) removes the impact of exchange rate movements, facilitating comparability of operational performance. For further detail please refer to CSL’s Financial Statements for the Half Year ended December 2020 (Directors’ Report).
  3. (***) For shareholders with an Australian registered address, the interim dividend of US$1.04 per share (approximately A$1.34) will be unfranked for Australian tax purposes and paid on 1 April 2021. For shareholders with a New Zealand registered address, the interim dividend of US$1.04 per share (approximately NZ$1.44) will be paid on 1 April 2021. The exchange rates will be fixed at the record date of 5 March 2021. All other shareholders will be paid in US$. CSL also offers shareholders the opportunity to receive dividend payments in US$ by direct credit to a US bank account.

--- click on links above for more ---   [I hold CSL shares and believe they are one of the, if not THE highest quality company on the ASX.]

#Chairman's AGM Address
Added 4 years ago

14-Oct-2020:  Chairman's Address to Shareholders


Please find attached addresses to shareholders to be delivered by the Chair and the Chief Executive Officer at CSL Limited’s Annual General Meeting today.

Shareholder attention is drawn to a revised FY21 outlook, details of which are provided in slide 9 of the attached presentation.

Net profit after tax is now expected to be approximately $2.170 to $2.265 billion at constant currency, implying a growth of 3 to 8%, which is a slight tightening of the range advised at the Company’s results announcement in August. The low end of the range was previously zero, which has now been raised to 3%.

The meeting will be webcast at

--- click on link above for the AGM addresses by the CSL Chairman and CEO plus the revised FY21 outlook statements on slide 9 ---

#UQ Vaccine Agreement
Added 4 years ago

08-Oct-2020:  CSL Supply Agreement for UQ Vaccine with Commonwealth

CSL finalises agreement to supply 51 million doses of UQ COVID-19 vaccine candidate to Australia

CSL Limited (ASX:CSL; USOTC:CSLLY) today announces that its subsidiary, Seqirus, has signed a final agreement (Agreement) with the Commonwealth of Australia for the supply of 51 million doses of the University of Queensland-CSL COVID-19 vaccine candidate (V451), should clinical trials be successful. This follows the Company’s announcement of 7 September 2020 advising that a binding Heads of Agreement had been entered into with the Australian Government.

The Agreement includes an up-front financial commitment from the Government to support the clinical and technical development activities that CSL will need to assume in order to progress V451, and, if clinical trials are successful, also secures access to onshore production and supply of the vaccine for Australia.

CSL has been working at pace to respond to the current COVID-19 pandemic and has invested significant resources in the rapid development and large-scale manufacture of V451, along with a number of other therapeutic programs. The Company previously advised the ASX of additional agreements entered into with the Australian Government and with AstraZeneca to produce approximately 30 million doses of the Oxford University/AstraZeneca vaccine candidate, AZD1222. The two vaccines work through different approaches, but can leverage many facets of the same manufacturing platform technology used by CSL to produce recombinant proteins.

The large-scale Phase 2b/3 clinical study for V451 is almost ready. It will be a randomised, observer-blinded, placebo-controlled study across numerous countries and >100 sites. The study will evaluate efficacy, immunogenicity and safety in adults aged 18 years and above.

Subject to progress in the current Phase 1 study, the first subject for the Phase 2b/3 would be enrolled in December 2020, with the goal completing recruitment by March 2021. We are committed to demonstrating the vaccine is safe and effective prior to availability in the market. Discussions have already commenced with the Australian Therapeutic Goods Administration (TGA) to ensure this goal is met, while also making the vaccine available to the Australian population in the shortest possible time.

In parallel, CSL is working to engage partner organisations to assist with production of further doses with the goal of providing broader access to the vaccine, should clinical trials be successful. The Company also continues to work with the Coalition for Epidemic Preparedness Innovations (CEPI) to fulfil our shared commitment to the program, which includes support for the COVAX Facility, a mechanism established by CEPI, the Global Alliance for Vaccines & Immunizations (Gavi) and the World Health Organisation (WHO) to rapidly accelerate the development, production and delivery of COVID-19 vaccines to support equitable access.

Given the considerable risk, effort, cost and uncertainty associated with the development of these novel vaccines, it is too early to calculate with any certainty the financial impact to the Company.

--- ends ---

Last edited 4 years ago

19-August-2020:  CSL Results Announcement   and   CSL Results Presentation   plus   Statutory Accounts for the Full Year Ended 30 June 2020

CSL Delivers a Full Year Net Profit of over $2.1 Billion

  • CSL delivered another strong year, with reported net profit after tax of $2,103 million, up 17% at CC (Constant Currency) and revenue up 9% at CC, reflecting;
    • Solid growth in the immunoglobulin portfolio
    • Successful evolution of haemophilia portfolio, driven by IDELVION®
    • Transition to own distribution model in China
    • Delivery on product differentiation strategy with strong profit growth for Seqirus
    • No material revenue impact to-date resulting from the COVID-19 pandemic, however, the situation is fluid and some elements are unpredictable
  • Earnings per share $4.63, up 17% at CC (Constant Currency) 
  • Final dividend of US$1.07 per share (approximately A$1.48)
    • Total full year dividend increased to US$2.02 per share, up 9%
    • Converted to Australian currency, the total full year dividend is approximately A$2.95 per share, up 11%
  • Net profit after tax for FY21 is anticipated to be in the range of approximately $2,100 million to $2,265 million ($2.1 to $2.265 billion) at constant currency
    • key variable to this outlook is the uncertain impact of COVID-19 on the Company’s supply chain, particularly the ability to collect plasma
    • In response to the global pandemic, the Company urgently deployed its capabilities, competencies and assets to support the global R&D effort, and now has one vaccine partnership and four therapeutic candidates under investigation and development. Today’s profit outlook takes into account this additional research and development expense.

All figures are expressed in US dollars unless otherwise stated.  Constant currency (CC) removes the impact of exchange rate movements, facilitating comparability of operational performance.  For further detail please refer to CSL’s Financial Statements for the Full Year ended June 2020 (Directors’ Report).  For shareholders with an Australian registered address, the final dividend of US$1.07 per share (approximately A$1.48) will be unfranked for Australian tax purposes and paid on 9 October 2020.  For shareholders with a New Zealand registered address, the final dividend of US$1.07 per share (approximately NZ$1.63) will be paid on 9 October 2020.  The exchange rates will be fixed at the record date of 11 September 2020.  All other shareholders will be paid in US$.  CSL also offers shareholders the opportunity to receive dividend payments in US$ by direct credit to a US bank account.

--- click on links above for more ---

[I am not currently holding CSL, but I usually do hold.  They are one of the best run and highest quality companies Australia has ever produced.]

Added 4 years ago

25-June-2020:  CSL to acquire LateStage Gene Therapy Candidate from uniQure

CSL is the best quality company on the ASX and has been for a very long time.  They will keep growing - both organically and via acquisitions (like this one).

#ASX Announcements
Added 4 years ago

07-May-2020:  New Debt Facilities to Strengthen Maturity Profile

Also (last month):  09-Apr-2020:  Company Update on COVID-19   and   08-Apr-2020:  Company Update on COVID-19

#Media/Analyst Views:
Last edited 4 years ago

11 August 2019:

Rudi Filapek-Vandyck from FNArena on Australia's best listed company this afternoon.

Disclosure:  I hold CSL in my SMSF.