Company Report
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#Acquisition History
Last edited one year ago

Lovisa Acquisition History

·      December 2020 beeline execution of a put option agreement in relation to the acquisition of the beeline France sotre network of 30 stores. Lovisa will acquire beeline France for a purchase price of €10 (ten Euros)

·      November 2020 beeline purchase for €60 as part of the transaction, upon completion, of the take over approximately €3 million of bank guarantees associated with the leases of the acquired beeline entities, as well as provide a further €3 million bank guarantee to the vendor to support our obligations under the share purchase Agreement, expiring on 31 March 2022. beeline store network consists of 114 stores, including 30 stores in France subject to the Put Option discussed above.

·      May 2017 Acquisition of 17 fashion accessory stores from Klines South Africa the majority of which will be rebranded as Lovisa’s stores following the handover. The acquisition includes the sotre locations (lease assignments) and fixtures and fittings at a total cost of A$800K

·      March 2015 LOV acquires 21 Retail Stores in South Africa, the majority of which will be re-branded immediately following handover. Purchase price of A$2.0m with a further deferred payment of A4250K payable 12 months post transaction.

No Capital Raises since IPO!!!