Company Report
Last edited 3 years ago
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#Bull Case
Last edited 3 years ago

Great opportunity here to buy in $12~ range, Company stands to benefit from macro trends going forward, Company last year raised $ to actually expand/grow their business while many others raised $ to just survive, Company has great leadership. Like APX and ALU (currently buys imo) this is a no brainer for a long term growth portfolio,I still don't understand why so many people are downvoting buys on ALU at $28~ that's crazy to me anyway there is only a handful of companies that can grow above 20-30% for a sustained number of years I believe this to be one. While everyone is worrying about a looming crash I'm busy buying gl.

#Bull Case
Last edited 4 years ago

Company is poised for sustained long term growth and a leader in it's field imo, Price may feel a bit high here for entering but I'm taking a punt at low 13s and will add more if it falls sharply, Macro outlook for this company and it's sector are very good with how the world is shifting.