This week, we cover off more earnings results, including Wisetech (ASX:WTC), BWX (ASX:BWX), Kip McGrath (ASX:KME), MSL Solutions (ASX:MPW) & Dicker Data (ASX:DDR). Plus, we talk macro and ask if Australia is headed for a recession…
This week, we cover off more earnings results, including Wisetech (ASX:WTC), BWX (ASX:BWX), Kip McGrath (ASX:KME), MSL Solutions (ASX:MPW) & Dicker Data (ASX:DDR). Plus, we talk macro and ask if Australia is headed for a recession…
At bottom the ability to buy securities – particularly common stocks – successfully is the ability to look ahead accurately. Looking backward, however carefully, will not suffice, and may do more harm than good.” — Benjamin Graham The financial statements can tell you a great deal about a company, and any serious investor ignores them at their own peril. Revenue, margins, […]
If there’s one thing that markets hate, it’s uncertainty. And with trade wars, political ructions and mixed economic signals — not to mention a host of company specific factors — it’s tempting for investors to sit on the sidelines until the outlook becomes clearer. The trouble is, if certainty is what you crave, you could be waiting for a long, […]
Charlie Munger has loads of great quotes, but this one is a standout: The first rule of compounding: never interrupt it unnecessarily Charlie Munger The maths behind compounding is easy enough, but the intuition is anything but. If you can find an investment that compounds at 20% per annum, the gain you make in year 10 is greater than the total […]
You might have heard the tale about the fund manager with a quirky hiring practice. Each time he needed a new analyst, he’d begin by taking half the resumes and — without even a glance — tossing them straight in the bin. His rationale? “I don’t hire unlucky people.” Now, while this story is almost certainly apocryphal, there’s a twisted […]
Herbert Stein, an American economist, once observed that if something cannot go on forever, it will stop. That’s hardly a groundbreaking insight. But just because something is self-evident doesn’t mean it’s widely understood. Indeed, much of modern economics and finance is predicated on the belief that the future will largely mirror the past. To be fair, that’s not a terrible […]