The Last Straw

Should you buy Lovisa (ASX:LOV) shares?

Shares in fast-fashion jeweller Lovisa (ASX:LOV) have been on a tear so far this year, having roughly doubled since January. And not without good reason — sales are growing well and the business continues to roll out new stores at a solid clip. The question, of course, is whether it’s too late to buy. What does Lovisa do? Lovisa is […]

Bapcor (ASX:BAP): Where’s the love?

Although the market may be at record highs, there’s plenty of stocks that continue to languish. Of course, that’s to be expected for companies whose underlying fundamentals have stalled or worse, are going backwards. But there remain some truly impressive names that just can’t find favour with the market, despite going from strength to strength. Take auto-parts distributor and retailer […]