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#Inflation Fears and Debt
Last edited 2 years ago

One of the risks of small caps and inflation is the cost of debt going up with the interest rate, and this debt forcing them to capital raise or loan even more money! (or go bust)

Does 3DP have debt? According to the latest 4C, it has no debt.

This is a good sign, and ticks off a a reason to invest or stay invested. It means inflation will impact 3DP's supply chain and the sell prices of its own products, but not the debt, because there is none - one less worry to worry about!

It could also mean its at a bargain price right now, as the market sells off on debt fears related to inflation.


#Bull Case
Added 3 years ago

Why I bought.

@Nnyck777 Thanks for the killer podcast find. It tipped me over the edge on my fence sitting and I bought a starter position today!

 1.     Ian Olsen. The man himself. His confidence is alluring. I know it’s a bias risk to trust a salesman. But damn, I am sold. “I’ll buy that ice” says me, the analogy-Eskimo.

2.     Ian Olsen knows his task and purpose as CEO. Knows what he needs to do. The best example of this is his statement “I hire the right people and get out of their way”.

3.     Ian Olsen has a plan. 50mil to 100mil to 200mil (revenues), NASDAQ listing and likely eventual takeover offer.

4.     “Opportunity meets preparation”. 3DP was designed from the start as cloud and SaaS and is a ‘workflow solution’. No pivoting, no changing existing customers. A capital light, global business.

5.     “Stay in your lane”. Single focus. Not temped to “expand” into 3D capture. 3DP works hard to be interoperable with 3D data capture providers and their customers and it benefits everyone.

6.     3DP knows the realities of its customers – large governments agencies are slow to sign.

7.     Sticky customers. Some North American companies are classified as critical infrastructure by the government. For their 3D data to be held by an Australian publicly listed company, they’ve had to jump through regulatory hurdles to create this trust. I doubt they would leave quickly or suddenly.

8.     3DP knows that to scale effectively and maintain revenue margin means low human interaction for the workflows.

9.     3DP is broadly misunderstood by the professional and retail investor alike. This creates multiple entry opportunities.

10. Capped revenue models, such as energy providers or some miners can only improve their “bottom line” by reducing costs. Predictive AI analysis is this holy grail. You can reduce costs by only maintaining the areas that need maintaining.

Disc. Now held in RL.

Added 3 years ago

Started my journey to Mt Mordor with 3DP this morning. (metaphor for lots of research)

Read the latest listed announcement on the ASX.

A minor perhaps unimportant observation, but one for me that suggests astute management is on the last page.

Rather than the obligatory one paragraph on "what we do", 3DP have short FAQ, with what I assume is trying to explain their tech company to the hordes of non-technical people in the world.

I like it. Bravo 3DP. Make your story clear and understandable by all.

//// pasted from report:

Common Q&A’s about Pointerra:
1. What do we do? We manage, analyze and monetize other people’s 3D data for them to solve
a broad range of digital asset management problems across multiple sectors.
2. How do we make money? People pay us to manage their data, to develop or source analytics
to make sense of their data and they even share revenue with us when we help them to monetize
their data.
3. Why do people need us? 3D data is hard to manage, use, analyze and share. We have
proprietary (patent protected) IP that enables us to do what we do better than anyone else by
generating significant workflow, accuracy and insight outcomes from 3D data.
4. Do we have competitors? There are lots of desktop solutions for 3D data and fewer cloud
solutions. Most cloud solutions focus on visualization but the 3D data isn’t readily analyzed – either
quickly and efficiently or at mass scale. Our IP allows us to do this better than anyone else – faster,
with more accuracy and at lower cost.
5. Who are our customers? Anyone who is engaged in capturing (surveyors, drone operators, aerial
and satellite mapping) or using (AEC sector, asset owners/operators/insurers/regulators) 3D data
to plan, design, construct/build, operate, maintain, insure and govern/regulate a physical asset.
6. What sectors do our customers operate in? Linear infrastructure
(road/rail/pipeline/transmission/distribution), non-process infrastructure (civil and built-form),
process infrastructure (mining/oil & gas/industrial manufacturing plant) and defense/intelligence.
7. How much do people pay us? Our Data as a Service (DaaS) solution to manage 3D data using
our digital asset management platform is priced based on the amount of data we are hosting
and the number of users each customer requires. We also charge customers to process their
data (Data Processing as a Service or DPaaS), build/deploy analytics (Analytics as a Service or
AaaS) to interpret their 3D data and, where we connect buyers and sellers of 3D data, we
typically agree a revenue share via our 3D data marketplace –