Company Report
Last edited 4 weeks ago
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#Bull Case
Added a month ago

When I posted about the increase in web traffic a few days ago I didn’t expect the chart to start looking like this- 26.3k visits in Feb up from 14.8k in Jan.

This is the investor webpage (product info is mostly on, and may be not have anything to do with sales, but a large jump nonetheless.

What caused it? A rec from a stock picker? A bunch of strawman investors hopping on the Audinate webpage to see what the fuss is about? 900f1c6c0fbfcf0f37959a05f3db38c3eca33d.jpeg

#Bull Case
Added a month ago

The trend is your friend.

I sold out mid last year at around $17 when the web traffic fell off a cliff.

The commentary on Strawman a few months ago was all fairly positive - in the expectation business would pick up once backlog inventory cleared.

The web traffic seems to be trending up... I'm back in between $7 and 8.

(Web traffic volume measured through free websites is not always a good indicator of how a business is going. It is more complicated with audinate because it has a second website
