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#HY23 Results
Added one year ago

Hard to fault Nanosonic's latest numbers (see full results preso here)

Installed base up 10%, with the new installed count bouncing back strongly. Revenue up 35% (27% in constant currency), and an improved gross margin (exactly what you'd want to see after transitioning to a direct sales model). Pre-tax profit jumped from $3,3m to $11.4m, of which $6.1m was free cash flow.

The balance sheet is a fortress: $99m in cold hard cash.

The new Coris product seems to have some supply chain disruption, but on track for release towards the end of 2023.

All told, the company lifted the FY revenue guidance from 20-25% growth, to 36-41%. The gross margin may moderate a bit in the second half due to a higher proportion of capital revenue, but the FY guidance here was lifted from 75-76% to 77-79%.

FX and additional investment will also see a bigger than previously indicated increase in operating costs, which are now expected to grow between 22-27% for the full year (prev. 15-18%)

At the lower end of those ranges, we should see a FY revenue of $163m and gross profit of $126m (compared to $91m in FY22). That's at least $12m in EBIT.

Still, shares are on a forward EBIT multiple of around 100. I really like this company, but that's quite a lot... Still, probably justified if Coris sees similar success to Trophon. Of course, a lot of profitability being masked by the $26m they're spending each year on R&D too.

I retain a small position in RL, and none on Strawman. It's just a question of price for me, although it's probably not something I should be too fussy with.

#Business Update
Added 2 years ago

I thought the update today was very positive -- not sure what the market doesn't like?

The transition to a direct sales model is largely complete, with the majority of former GE consumables sales going directly through Nanosonics.

Of all the Trophon units sold, the direct sales team accounted for 91% of these.

And when you combine that with a 21% lift in the North American new installed base compared with the first half, or 11% YoY (bang in line with what they did the previous FY) -- it shows that Nanosonics hasn't missed a beat with the transition. Plus, they'll be getting better gross margins now with a direct sales model).

And the cherry on the top, as @Mujo has pointed out -- they should beat consensus estimates for FY22 revenue growth, which is expected to be around $120m. That's a 17% lift.

A get it that shares aren't cheap (I sold down for that reason previously, and mainly to free up some capital for other things), but that was the case before this announcement.

Go figure ¯\_(ツ)_/¯

#HY 2022 Results
Last edited 2 years ago

The market isn't impressed with Nanosonics' latest half-yearly numbers -- shares are down 12% at the time of writing and now sit at their lowest level since 2019. In fact, shares are down roughly 50% from their all time high of $8.25 reached at the start of last year.

I think this is mainly due to valuation concerns, and let's face it, shares aren't that cheap according to traditional measures. At the current price of $4.15 (a market cap $1.25b), the company trades on over 10x sales (trailing 12m basis), or a trailing PE of 111x. And this is after a 50% fall from all time highs!

But let's put valuation aside for now, and see how the underlying business is doing.

The installed base of Trophon units continues to grow -- up 12% in the past 12 months and up 5% in the last 6 months.


The pace of growth here has clearly slowed. The company highlighted a 14% improvement from Q1 to Q2, as covid impacts waned, but compared to the first half of last year you're looking at only a 2% lift in new installed units added. Given the circumstances, i think that's far from terrible, but we certainly need to see improved new installed unit growth in the coming periods.

Covid likewise had an impact on ultrasound volumes, so little surprise to see consumables revenue (the juiciest, high-margin revenue) down 3% on the preceding half. Still, compared to the prior corresponding first half you're looking at a very decent 23% lift.

Add to that a very decent doubling in capital revenue, which was also 10% higher from the preceding half and you're left with a overall top line result that came in at $60.6m -- 41% higher than the pcp (but essentially flat from the preceding half).

A big part of this was the upgrade cycle of customers switching to the new and improved Trophon 2 unit. More than a 1/4 of their fleet represents units that are over 7 years old and will need to be replaced in coming years. That's about 7000 units.

So at this stage, although there was a loss of revenue momentum from H2 FY21 to H1 FY22, which i think is reasonably explained by the delta and omicron impact, i think the result is pretty good. But things look worse as you move down the income statement.

Operating expense increased 29% over the year, and R&D costs were up by 41% as the business continues to develop new products and build out its team. Added with some expenditure on the new corporate digs, and free cash flow dropped into the red by $3.8m. That's dropped the cash balance to $92m -- but, let's be honest, there are few ASX companies of this size that can boast such an impressive war chest.

Still, combine it all together and net profit was down 45% from the previous first half. And the market is also still not impressed with the revised sales agreement with GE (but I think it's actually a very good thing in the long run) -- that's going to have a $13-16m impact in the next half.

When I stand back, i see a market leader with a lot of runway, a very attractive "razor & blade" revenue model with super high customer retention, new products on the way, a fortress balance sheet and (eventually) improved operating margins.

Yes, there's a lot of uncertainty with their new product roll outs. They could well flop. But the new areas build on their core skillset and have a lot of parallels with the trophon product.

Yes, the transition to a direct sales model is going to have a nasty one off hit, and perhaps they'll be less effective with direct sales. But they know have enough important reference sites and relationship (especially for consumables sales) that make me optimistic they'll be better off long term here.

Yes, the price multiple is still eye watering, but added growth investments are depressing this. They could step back massively on this expenditure and the multiple would correspondingly drop rapidly, but that'd be a mistake longer term in my opinion.

Nevertheless, while i understand the need for added costs, i also want to see this expenditure justified by accelerating sales. It's definitely one of the main things to watch.

So it's really just about valuation -- something i need to revisit -- and not quality to my mind.

Full results presentation is here

#revised sales agreement with G
Added 2 years ago

Others have outlined the key details with Nanosonics' update on it's revised sales model with GE (ASX announcement here), but a few thoughts:

  • The inventory unwind from GE will impact sales in the second half of FY22, somewhere in the order of $13-16m for FY22. With the company expecting H1 Revenue of $60m, this will be a material one-off hit.
  • The required boost to Nanosonics direct sales operations will increase expenses by around $1m in H2 FY22
  • The direct sales model will result in higher margins over time, and with North America accounting for 88% of the installed base (and 76% of revenue there is consumables), it should be a big positive over time (assuming Nanosonics can at least match GE's sales efficiency of trophon units)

The market is down 13% on the news, but I cant help think it's being a bit short sighted here

#FY21 Results
Added 3 years ago

Wow, what a jump for Nanosonics today.

Not bad for a business that just reported 3% revenue growth and a 15% drop in net profit!

(ASX results here)

As usual, there's a lot going on under the hood.

For starters, FX movements were not favourable. In constant currency terms, sales were actually 12% higher. And this was a tale of two halves, with second half sales 50% improved on the first, and an all time record result.

The installed base was 13% improved over the year, and consumable revenue was up 20% in constant currency.

We have seen the launch of their new audit product, and they're getting closer to releasing a platform for strerilising flexible endoscopes -- hopefully by calendar 2023. There's been a lot of investment here, but the market opportunity does seem compelling.

The drop in profit was due to an increase in R&D and sales resources. That being said, Nanosonics still threw off $6m in free cash flow and increased it's cash balance to a very formidable $96m (with zero debt)

With growth across all regions, lots of reliable recurring consumable revenue, new revenue opprtunities and a fortress balance sheet -- there's just so much to like about Nanosonics. Having first bought at 92c in 2014, it's served me very well (although, once again, would have been better if i didnt sell a few down along the way..)

The question again is one of price. On today's numbers, shares are on a PE of over 240x! Or a P/S of 17.

Then again, there's a lot of growth to be had if the company executes well. Having revised up the estimated addressable market, NAN reckons it has only 39% penetration in the US, but only 4% each in Europe and Asia (19% globally). And that's just for the trophon product.

Shares are very expensive, but bear in mind the company could easily, if it chose to, boost EPS up 3-4 times this year if they cut back on headcount and R&D and just focsued on the core. The underlying economics are very impressive, just masked by all the growth investment, and that could well prove to be money very well spent.

So i'm prepared to maintain my holding, even though i think a lot of growth is baked in. This is one for the bottom draw for me.


#New Product Launch
Added 3 years ago

Nanosonics has been talking of new products for a while -- to date it's been a one product company -- but they have always kept the specifics close to their chest.

Today they revealed the first new product offering; a digital compliance management system called AuditPro.

Consisting of a handheld scanning device which links to a browser-based SaaS application, AuditPro allows clinics to keep track of what instruments have been used & disinfected, providing traceability and compliance data.

Initially it will be focused on ultrasound probes (Nanosonics' core area of focus), but is applicable across a broad range of devices.

It will generate subscription revenue, but pricing levels and the exact sales model were not disclosed. Presumably it will also be offered as a bundle with the Trophon unit.

The product will be launched at the US APIC conference today. Other new products are exected to be revealed over the course of FY22.

Hard to infer too much from this announcement -- details were very scant. Obviously the potential is attractive, but it's all about execution and whether or not they get a good ROI on their investment.

Hopefully will get more details soon.

Disc. Held.

ASX announcement here


#FY21 Half Year Results
Added 3 years ago

While the pandemic probably helps Nanosonics longer term (increased awareness of infection control), it did knock the business around in the first quarter of FY21, sending revenue for the half down 11%.

In part, GE Healthcare (a major wholesaler) reduced purchases due to "impacts of covid on its inventory", which basically says lower sales through that channel. And that's due to a big drop in ultrasound proceedure volumes, with hospital resources -- particularly in US -- focused on the Covid-19 response.

Most of the damage was borne in the first quarter, though, with the company bouncing back strongly in the last few months of 2020.

The much stronger AUD also had an impact.

Geographically, it was North America that really floundered, with revenue dropping 38% in the first quarter, before largely recovering in the next. Interestingly, Europe & Middle East and Asia PAcific both saw growth over both quarters, with revenue in these regions up 50% and 8%, respectively, for the entire half. (though these segments represent only ~14% of total revenue.)

Despite the challenging half, Nanosonics continued to invest in its growth strategy, with operating expenses up 8% to $33m in H1. For the full year they are expected to come in around $75-$78m -- a ~20% increase on 2020.

Combined with the lower revenue, pre-tax profit was all but wiped out, coming in at just $0.2m vs $6.7m in the previous corresponding half.

Free cash flow also took a hit, down $2.4m compared to an inflow of $10m in the last first half, due appraently to timing effects of payments and receipts. Still, the company has a genuine fortress balance sheet -- almost $88m in cash with no real debt.

Part of the added costs were associated with R&D, something the company has invested over $50m in since 2017. It was up another 12% this year. That's fine, but we've been waiting for new products for a while now and it would be good to see some more progress here. There's a lot of intangible value to write down if they dont get a good return on all that money.

At any rate, it's good to see the impacts of covid appear to have been short-lived. Total revenue grew 48% in Q2 relative to Q1, and i-MED's 200+ unit upgrade will occur in the current half. GE has also resumed purchases. Revenue from consumables was up 29% in the same period, and in constant currency terms was a new company record.

Importantly, the Global installed base was up 12%, and 6% in the last 6m to just over 25,000 units. Q2 installs were up 38% on the first quarter.

Consumables sales are, of course, the best margin sales, and they were essentially flat with a 2% decline in US revenue being partly offset by an 11% increase in consumables revenue for Europe& Middle East. As procedure volumes continue to track up, there should be a return to growth in the current half.

Loking ahead, the company didnt give any guidance, other than to say they expect market conditions to continue to improve, and that the company remained focused on its strategy of (essentially) new products and new geographies, and cementing Trophon as the standard of care in hospitals.

Bottom line, it was a disappoing result -- especially for a business that is trading at 20x sales (traling 12m basis).

That being said, you can hardly blame management for COVID, and that really does seem to have had a legitimate impact on non-essential ultrasound proceedures, as well as a big interuption to sales cycles. The business appears to have recovered very well in the second quarter and has good momentum going into the second half.

I expect Nanosonics to be around and much larger in another 5-10 years. The company has been very good to me over the years, and i think there's still some value to be had for long-term investors.

But I would like to see an acceleration in the pace of growth from the core offering, especially outside of the US, as well as the release of some new products. We need to see some jutsification for all that investment.

Disc: held


Results here

#FY20 Results
Added 4 years ago

Nanosonics has reported the following results for FY20:

  • a 19% lift in full year revenue to $100.1 million
    • (revenue growth was 26% for the first 3 quarters, with covid impacts allowing only a 1% increase in the last quarter of FY20.)
  • The installed base was up 13%
  • Consumables and services up 36%, at 70% of total sales.
    • again, a noticable impact to sales in the last quarter, but overall have held up relatively well in my opinion
  • Capital revenue was 9% due to covid and impact of prior year inventory management from GE (a new version of their Trophon product was released)
  • Operating expenses up 28%, including a 37% rise in R&D. Total operating expenses are expected to rise a further 20%-odd in the current year.
  • As a result, operating profit was down 26% to $12.4 million. If costs had been steady, operating profit would have grown around 50% on prior year.
  • Cash of over $90 million (massive)
  • $20m in free cash flow

All told I'm pretty happy with these results, which highlight just how attractive the business model is. Despite the impact to capital sales, the higher margin consumables revenue growth was very solid in a tough environment.

The slow down in ultrasound examinations resultant from the impacts of covid will be temporary (are already recovering), and overall I dare say the entire saga will only heighten awareness towards infection control.

And it was great to see so much free cash flow and a growing mountain of cash, both of which hit record levels. Nanosonics really does have a fortress balance sheet with oodles of capital to support growth (or a cash return to shareholders). 

The company reckons it has about 20% of the global addressable market, so there's a lot of runway ahead.

But some things are concerning.

Disappointingly, new products slated for release in the current financial year will now likely be delivered the following year (pending regulatory approvals and project milestones). With shares on 20x sales, i was hoping they could commercialise new product lines more quickly. 

Also the cost base is expanding rapidly. A lot of this is R&D, but also a load in infrastructire and people. Whether or not this is a good thing all depends on what return they can get on this spend, and how effectively they can scale their resources. Nanosonics will need to grow sales by more than 20% this year just to record a flat operating profit given the increased cost base.

And there's no guarantee that new products or new geographies will emulate their earlier success.

The company did not provide any guidance for FY21 due to the uncertainties of Covid, but the business expects an ongoing impact to capital sales.

All told, I really like Nanosonics and continue to hold a small parcel. My only issue -- as with so many of the good stocks right now -- is the valuation.

I'm not one to over think price for high quality, fast growing businesses -- especially ones that have a big market opportunity and attractive operating leverage. But at a PE of 200 and a P/Sales of 20 there's very little that can go wrong for shareholders to get an attractive return from here.

Results presentation here

#COVID-19 update
Added 4 years ago

Nanosonice said it has seen a "Significant" increase in Q3 sales and that sales of cosumables have been in line with pre-covid-19 expectations.

That being said, access to hospitals is obviously restricted at this time and that is likely to impact sales for the final quarter. However it is hard to quatify, and the company is taking measures to reduce expenditures.

Nanosonics reiterated its (incredibly) strong balance sheet, which has ~$82m in debt, and said that a weaker AUD is helping.

ASX announcement is here 

Last edited 5 years ago
A big driver of uptake are increasing regulatory pressures. From 2017 annual report:
#Bull Case
Last edited 5 years ago

Nanosonics manufactures and sells a high level disinfection unit for ultrasound probes, the Trophon EPR, which is increasingly becoming the gold standard for disinfection procedures.

Sales have tripled in recent years as increasing regulatory standards have accelerated the adoption of more rigorous disinfection models. Importantly, there remains a huge global market opportunity, with the company estimating a potential installed base of 120,000 units.

At the end of FY2018, nanosonics had an installed base of 17,740 units, predominantly in the USA (where the market opportunity is estimated to be for around 40,000 units).

The business has a ‘razor and blade’ model, providing it with very ‘sticky’, high margin, recurring revenue thanks to the sale of consumables. As the installed base grows, and as usage increases, the potential here is significant.

The business is has no net debt, plenty of cash, strong sales momentum, a good industry tailwind, market leading positioning and capable & aligned management.

Growth is expected to remain strong as the company consolidates its lead in major markets, moves into new geographies, and expands its technology to service a wider array of disinfection needs.

#Business Model/Strategy
Last edited 5 years ago

Unit Economics

As per a 2013 presentation (see link), Nanosonics sells each Trophon unit for around US$10k.

Each unit uses around US$3k worth of consumables each year

View Link

#Trophon Product
Last edited 5 years ago
A low temperature, nano-nebulant based ultrasound probe disinfection unit Uses a proprietary hydrogen peroxide disinfectant that is sonically activated to create an ultrafine mist and free radicals. These potent free radicals have a superoxidative effect that destroys pathogens No harmful by products -- water and oxygen are by-products Compatible with over 1,000 types of ultrasound probes One button operation. Disinfectant cycle takes 7 minutes (Image from Pg 17 of FY2017 Annual Report)
#2019 Forecast
Last edited 5 years ago

An article on Nanosonics in the AFR on June 14.

See here 

Included in teh article is guidance from Bell Potter:

"...this financial year analysts expect [revenue] to grow by a third to pierce the $80 million mark. Net profit is expected to more than double to over $10 million in 2018-19, with Bell Potter estimating a net profit after tax of $13.2 million."

Bell Potters price target is $3.52

At the last traded price ($4.93) that puts NAN on a P/S of 18.5, and a PE of 112

In the current market, especially for tech stocks that isn't particularly excessive. But against historic norms it most certainly is. Further, this is not a software company that has virtually zero incremental costs for each additional unit sold. This is a hardware company.

A new product (expected to be in the market this time next year) could really help boost sales, but there's a lot of unknowns here.

I'm a huge fan of Nano and have held for years. I have increased my valuation slightly, but shares stilll seem a bit high for me. Have been selling down this year, but still have a reasonable stake.

#FY19 Results
Added 5 years ago

Very strong numbers.

Total revenue climbed a full 39% higher to $84.3 million as the installed base of the company’s sole product grew across all regions. Average top-line growth over the past three years (which normalises the impact of deferred sales from the release of the Trophon 2 unit) works out to approximately 25% per annum.

The number of trophon units in operation increased by 18% globally, with North America again the biggest contributor with the addition of almost 3,000 new units -- in line with guidance provided at the first half.

Importantly, consumables and services revenue -- which is both higher margin and recurring in nature, and now accounts for over 60% of total revenue -- saw a hefty 47% improvement from the previous corresponding period.

Operating expenses grew by around 15% to just shy of $50 million, as telegraphed at the half year, due to a 27% lift in headcount and an increasing R&D spend. Nanosonics told investors that costs would increase significantly in the current year, saying it forecast $67 million in operating expenses (a 36% increase) for FY2020 as the business readied itself for its “strategic growth agenda”.

At the bottom line, excluding tax, Nanosonics registered $16.8 million in profit, or almost 20% of total revenue. That’s a 200% increase on FY18’s result. With prior year’s losses helping to reduce the tax burden, net profit came in at $13.6 million, or 4.53 cents per share.

It is however important to note the (significant) exchange rate benefit in these results. Revenue growth reduces from 39% to 29% on a constant currency basis. FX wont always be so favourable...

Looking ahead, Nanosonics told the market to expect continued growth, with FY20 adoption in the major North American market to be similar to that just reported. Meanwhile, new European regions and improved fundamentals would drive growth in that region.

The new GE Healthcare distribution agreement would see an improved consumables margin, the benefits of which would be most noticeable in the second half. On top of this, and pending regulatory approval, new product releases were also expected in the later half of the current year.

With over 30% of the current installed base due for renewal in the next two years, the replacement cycle should also help bolster capital sales.  

Nanosonics estimates it has just 17% of the total addressable global market, so there’s clearly a long runway for growth. And as a profitable business with over $72 million in cash on hand, it has plenty of dry powder to prosecutive its strategy.

Shares (at time of writing) are now on a P/E of 134. The price to sales sits at ~21.3.

See my valuatiion for more.

FY presentation is here

#HY2019 Results
Last edited 5 years ago

A record first half for Nanosonics, with revenue up 36% to $40.7m.

All regions saw double digit gains in revenue with North America (by far the largest segment representing 91% of the total) saw the biggets lift of 37%.

That's a solid result, but bear in mind that the previous corresponding period (pcp) was depressed due to the immenent release of the Trophon 2 product, and resellers running down inventory and customers delaying purchase. If you compare to H1 2017, first half revenue was 12.7% higher, or 6.2% on an annualised basis. 

Consumables growth was very pleasing too, up 26% from pcp or 11% from preceeding half. This represent ~60% of total revenue and will continue to grow.

The gobal installed base grew by 9% from the proceeding half, or 20% over the past 12 months, to 19,310 units. A great result, but that is a slow down from previous years. For example, this time last year, FY installed base was 13% higher over preceeding 6 months. And FY growth to the end of FY18 was 25%. 

In FY18, Nanosonics increased North America installed base by 3,140. And they have today guided for a similar increase in FY19. That would give the total installed base of 18,760.

UK expecting a 50% growth in installed base, so that should bring it to around 1,000 units (although that is based of the total EMEA figure).

Operating expense forecast to be $50m for ther full year, whereas previously it was $53m.

Cash balance increased to $71.3m (about 6% of market cap). No debt. 

I think this was a very sound result, and the future remains bright, but hard to get my head around the valuation.

Company on a P/S of 15x (ttm), or 13.5x pro rata. The PE is ~85 if you double the first half result. I'm not one to get too caught up on value metrics for super strong, fast growing businesses, but still...

Will have a think on the valuation and update shortly

Results presentation is here

#Business Model/Strategy
Last edited 5 years ago
A new agreement with GE was announced August 2017 (see link). Comes into effect on July 1, 2019 Prior to this, GE was the main sales channel, accounting for a strong majority of sales (over 65% in FY2017) Nanosonics will gain a material increase in sales and margin on consumables in North America

View Link