Strawman is a private online investment club for those that are serious about taking control of their financial future.

As part of our inner circle, Strawman Premium members enjoy exclusive access to:

  • The portfolios, trades, research & valuations of all Premium members.
  • The trades and composition of the Strawman Index.
  • Live & interactive online monthly meetings, featuring company deep dives, CEO interviews and expert investor guests.
  • Strawman’s Member Award Scheme, which subsidises membership according to your contribution.
  • Premium members only email updates.

Under a membership model, we ensure our interests are aligned. No distractions, no poor incentives and, frankly, no bullsh*t.

As we’ve demonstrated, engaging with a network of experienced and capable investors provides immense value to anyone who is serious about managing their own money.

Not just in terms of uncovering valuable investment opportunities, and in helping you to avoid costly mistakes, but also in developing your skills as an investor.

Our goal, then, is to attract and support the best & brightest private investors.

People with the experience, insights and ability to deliver valuable and actionable insights.

People who want to collaborate with like-minded investors to uncover the most promising, ‘under the radar’ stocks on the ASX.

People who are sick of poor and conflicted advice from industry hacks, and who want to take charge of their financial future.

People, perhaps, like you.

Earn rewards for your insights

The Strawman Member Reward Program enables premium members to earn credits by contributing research and and investment ideas to Strawman.

The aim is to attract the best private investors, and to properly recognise and reward those that deliver the most value to the community. We think it provides a powerful incentive for quality content creation, and ensures our interests are best aligned with that of our members.

Click here to learn more.

Keeping it tight

As you know, the best opportunities on the ASX are typically found outside of the highly scrutinised large-cap stocks. They’re not talked about in the AFR, brokers don’t cover them and they’re too small for fund managers to touch.

These are companies the mainstream hasn’t heard of until their shares have already climbed significantly higher. Strawman has serious form in uncovering these ‘multi-baggers’ and we’re keen to ensure our members can continue to take advantage of these opportunities.

That’s why Strawman Premium membership is strictly limited.

Partly, that’s to ensure there isn’t too much capital chasing the limited volumes on offer for smaller cap companies.

It’s also about maintaining a high standard; as an exclusive private investment club we’re unapologetically looking for those that can help drive exceptional outcomes.

It’s the exclusivity of a concentrated, members-only network that will ensure we preserve our edge and continue to deliver valuable and actionable investment ideas.

What Strawman is NOT

While Strawman has features that resemble a social platform or discussion forum, it is not how we define ourselves.

These kinds of businesses are all about growing an audience — and then exploiting it.

The idea of plastering ads all over the site and spamming our members with paid promotions, while potentially lucrative, is not an appealing one. If you’re familiar with the major players in this space, and the kinds of companies and products they promote, you know exactly what we’re talking about…

It’s not for us, and it’s why we’re going in a different direction. One that will lead to far superior outcomes for anyone who is serious about managing their own money.

Want to apply?

Membership is currently closed to new members.

However, you can register your interest by joining our waiting list.

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