Author: Andrew Page

Investing won’t make you rich

Investing won’t make you rich. Not on its own. Done right, it will certainly help grow your money — and, over time, that growth can be considerable. But if you really want to build enduring wealth you should also focus on saving. That’s the fuel on which the fire of compounding burns. If you can scrape together $2,000 and invest that for a […]

Patience Pays

Investing is hard*. Success as a stock-picker requires, among other things, a decent understanding of business, accounting, economics, finance & psychology. It requires discipline, objectivity and emotional fortitude. Most important of all, successful investing requires time. A lot of it. Time to educate yourself. Time to do research. Time to manage your portfolio. And, perhaps hardest of all, time to […]

Confessions of a Bitcoin convert

So I’m long Bitcoin. It’s a bit uncomfortable to admit, because there’s such wide scepticism concerning crypto among a lot of smart people. And it’s hard to deny there’s a huge amount of hype and speculation surrounding the whole affair. I’m sure a lot of people will get burnt. Back in 2017 when Bitcoin first came to global attention, I […]

How do you Rank in Strawman?

The best members on Strawman are those that deliver the most valuable investment ideas and content. And these won’t always be the same people that top the performance leaderboards. As seasoned investors know, performance is not just about returns but also consistency and timeframe. And understanding the assumptions and insights behind an investment idea is just as important as the […]

The Strawman Classic

Welcome to the inaugural Strawman Classic; Australia’s biggest prize-money investing contest. Test your stock picking and portfolio management skills against some of Australia’s best private investors. With $100,000 in play money, you can buy and sell any ASX listed stock that is trading above 2c, and trade as many times as you like. Whoever has the highest returns at the end […]