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#ASX Announcements
Added 2 years ago

yet another increase in ARR !


Update on Software License sales concluded to the end of Financial Year 2022 (FY2022)

4 July 2022

RPMGlobal Holdings Limited (ASX: RUL) [RPM ®], is pleased to provide the following update on Total Contracted Value (TCV) derived from software subscriptions sold, and software revenue from perpetual license contracts concluded, to the end of FY2022.

Total Contracted Value (TCV) derived from software license sales for FY2022 (to the end of 30 June 2022), totalled $55.9 million, an increase of $5.6 million from RPM’s last announcement to the market on 27 June 2022 (just four days earlier) of $50.3 million.

The company successfully continued its transition from Perpetual License sales to Subscription License sales over the last twelve months.

Pleasingly, during FY2022 the company sold less one-off Perpetual software licenses (FY2022: $1.8 million) than it did in the previous financial year (FY2021: $5.2 million). Whereas revenue from recurring Subscription license sales increased by $6.4 million to $54.1 million, a 13% increase over the corresponding year (FY2021: $47.7 million).

RPM’s Annually Recurring Revenue (ARR) from software subscriptions (excluding annually recurring maintenance and support revenue from past perpetual software licenses) finished the year at $32.8 million, up $10.9 million from the start of the 2022 financial year ($21.9 million).

The company now has $95.5 million in pre-contracted non-cancellable software subscription revenue, which will be recognised in future years, up $29.8 million from the same time last year ($65.7 million).

Subject to finalisation of the audit, RPM expects to release its FY2022 full year audited results in late August 2022.

Authorised by:

James O’Neill

Company Secretary

+61 7 3100 7200

About RPM:

RPMGlobal Holdings Limited (ASX: RUL) [RPM®] was listed on the Australian Securities Exchange on 27 May 2008 and is a global leader in the provision and development of mining software solutions, advisory services and professional development to the mining industry.

RPM has been advancing the global mining industry through the provision of innovative software solutions and deep domain expertise for more than 50 years. The company brings together its technology, mining advisory and professional development services to support mining clients extract more value at every stage of the mining lifecycle. In partnership with the industry, RPM has delivered safer, cleaner and more efficient operations in over 125 countries.