Company Report
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#TCV/ARR Update
Added 5 years ago

RPM provided an update on TCV and ARR just after the FY close, subject now to audit. Full financials will be posted within 4 to 6 weeks.

The consolidated count of new Software Subscriptions contract wins (TCV of $34.5m spread over 3+ years) plus Perpetual Licenses sold ($7.5m) equates to Total Contract signings of $42m for FY2020.

Useful to consider that in 2018, this consolidation of new contracts wins yielded $15.3 m. In 2019, the number was $22.4 m. This progress and trajectory build is impressive. Unfortunately, this progress is not that apparent when looking at past HY and/or FY results.

We can add a further $1.5 m of new Maintenance Revenue for the year.

Looking at the cost side of the equation, the Company embarked on an aggressive R&D campaign 6 years ago, with annual spend peaking at $14m during FY 18 and H1 FY19. At the end of FY 19, the Company signalled that the investment in R&D  would decline to better align with industry norms. We saw the first confirmation of this with the HY2020 report, where the spend came in below $6 m ( or annualised , say $11.5 m)

Believe that the annual spend on R&D for FY2021 will decline to about $9 m. Would mean that $4-5 m would drop straight to the bottom line.

IMO, there is a lot to be liked about RPM and believe the Company is generally misunderstood by the market.

Lifting my 12 month forward valuation to $ 1.61  but will review again once we have the FY2020 results in hand.

Remains a high Conviction Buy.


Rob W

#RUL to power ahead in FY2021
Added 5 years ago

First bought into this Company in Q2-19, attracted by their leading role in Mining Consultancy, the high development spend and their decision to pursue subscription sales opposed to perpetual licence sales.   The cyclicality of mining fortunes would always yield lumpy outcomes, even for a value-adding capital item. Capex approval no longer an issue. 
Whilst the latest updates on TCV are highly encouraging, believe the benefits of higher adoption on their new design software is still to come. This is sophisticated software and will deliver invaluable efficiency and cost benefits to engineers, all in real time. Powerful tool for sensitivity analysis.
Beneficial that outside of the havoc in the oil & gas sector, rest of resources holding up pretty well during early stages of Covid-19.  So expect minimal impact to RPM’s results this FY.
A cashed up, debt free momentum stock in my book. Contract terms on avg. 3 years so d TCV of AUD 30 m this FY establishes a strong financial platform.

Valuation for CY2020 at AUD1.56