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#Buy back of Shares
Added 2 months ago

RPM just announced that they are extending their existing buy back further till 13 June 2025 ( and intend to purchase further ~11m shares )

It started buy-back program in June 2022 and so far purchased 12.5m shares at an average price of $1.63.

Another bit of news is that their cash balance is 32.2m as of 27th May 2024 ( their cash balance was 23.2m at the end of 1H2024). [ They also continued purchasing shares on the market from 1H to today so considering that operation is as usual second-half weighted and business is as usual in my opinion]

Added 3 months ago

I have published RPM Global thesis at

#FY22 vs FY24 my notes compare
Added 4 months ago


#1H FY24 Results
Added 5 months ago

Main Thesis for RPM Global is that as it migrate completely to Software subscription as opposed to maintenance, reliability of revenue will be strong and I expect they keep growing subscription revenue half on half.

This time that trend has gone little reverse.


The reason for this given was below


Now if we trust management and apply adjustment for $2.4m ( i.e remove 2.4m revenue from 2HFY2023 and add it back to 1HFY24), the graph looks like below, which is what I would like to see.


Management didn't flag that in FY23 result there is an extra $2.4m in the numbers. If they would have flagged that then probably there isn't any concern.

I attended the call and heard CEO admit that their communication should have been clear and I got the impression that there was no intent to mislead shareholders here. In fact, CEO said that he is quite happy for share price to be low so they can keep buying shares and increase EPS by reducing share count as well as increasing earning.

So although it was poor from management but I am happy to keep it aside and consider that thesis is still intact and I quite like the frankness of Management on the call FWIW.

Happy to hold.

#2023 AGM
Last edited 9 months ago

MD's address:


#Share Price references in Annu
Added 11 months ago

There were a number of references for Share price - which I think is odd




#FY23 Report
Added 11 months ago

RPM Global released its FY23 result this morning.



Customer Receipts:




Operating Cash


Migration from Maintenance to Software


Software subscription as % of overall revenue


Added one year ago

RPM Global announced to extend on-market share buy-back. Along with they also disclosed available cash at 30th April 2023


Now at the end of 1H FY2023, i.e 31st December 2022 their cash balance was 22.3m

That means in the first 4 months of CY2023 they increased their cash balance by 10m ( RPM historically generates the majority of cash in the second half ) but this announcement just tells me that would be the case this year around as well and hence the business is going ok while the share price has taken a beating. + Management and board also think that the share price doesn't reflect the value and hence extending the buyback.

It all aligns well ( I think) for future outperformance.

#Updated 1H FY23 presentation
Added one year ago

I am not a fan of updating the entire presentation and release - I would prefer them just to announce what has been changed. I had to compare the two presentations to find the delta (Although they pointed it out in small letters at the end of the slide as New Slide- 21 March 2023) I had to compare to make sure they haven't sneakily submitted something.

They have updated the following two slides.

Take away for me in the following slide is that, the Advisory division already achieved its FY23 target with the 4th Q to go. and to achieve the target Software division needs to do a further 3.3m EBITDA ( RPM Global thinks it is very much achievable based on historical evidence that their largest quarter by an order of magnitude is 4th Q) - So think this is positive.

So in total, they have done 10.9m in the first 3 Qs which equates to 3.6m per Q and they need to get 3.3m in Q4 to reach their target and also points Q4 is the largest software sales quarter by an order of magnitude..-- I will take it as a positive and potential to outperforming the target.


2nd new slide, in my opinion, just trying to say that their customer cash collection is heavily weighted towards H2, and the graph shows the tilt towards H2 as compared to H1 (the only exception was FY22 H2 when two customers failed to pay on the due date).

Not sure why the clarification, as this was very well known - but if they are confirming I would take it as a positive.


Overall, this is positive only. but this is a convoluted way of releasing positive news and that's why I am a bit suspicious.

#Revenue pattern
Added one year ago

It's always important to evaluate a company's revenue model and understand its long-term sustainability. RPM Global has been shifting its revenue mix from perpetual licenses to a subscription-based model in recent years.

While this shift may not be reflected in immediate revenue growth, it is a positive move in terms of the quality of revenue. Perpetual license sales provide upfront revenue, but maintenance fees can decline over time. On the other hand, SaaS models provide a recurring revenue split over the contract period, resulting in a more predictable revenue stream.

RPM Global's shift towards SaaS is evident in its declining perpetual license and maintenance revenue, as it focuses more on SaaS services and converts existing customers to the subscription model. This transition may take time to fully reflect in financial statements, but it could lead to a more sustainable revenue model in the long term. I am putting this table and graph which illustrate this transition beautifully.


Following chart shows, How Software subscriptions and maintenance trending in last few years


Below graph shows, what % of revenue contributed by Software subscriptions ( which is recurring in nature)


So far so good, If RPM convert all his Perpetual customers to Subscription customer in next few years and as SaaS Revenue becomes higher % of total revenue, this transition will be evident in financial. I shall closely monitor it's execution in this transition and keep an eye on any potential challenges that may arise.

#E#TCV/ARR Update
Added 2 years ago


#1H FY22 Results
Added 2 years ago

At the previous straw, I documented things I will monitor for this business going forward. All matrics look good in the report.



ESG business is going great as per the report and will provide further upside in the future as per the management commentory. Something to monitor.


Added 2 years ago
