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Added a month ago

The expected cap raise has arrived. I hope they have lined up an investor as current shareholders are unlikely to cough up much if anything given the last dismal capital raise. So which type of new bike will Ian purchase. Colour me cynical. Not one word on new contract not a peep.

Added 8 months ago


So back to close to 2019 share price levels. All these apparent contracts not converting- SP in free fall. Looks like the market is very clear about 3DPs performance. AGM will likely be a bloodbath.

Added 11 months ago
Added 2 years ago

Latest report is up.

Nothing unexpected - growth good very small EBITDA loss. On track for a big year FY23 if can sustain current growth.


#Use cases
Added 2 years ago

Thanks @Glutenfree for bringing this recent use case of Pointerra to light.

Diospatial combination of multiple mapping modalities into one digital twin using Pointerra technology is pretty darn cool. You can really get a sense of how 3DPs capability to power and deliver these 3D models can change the way industries function or meta worlds can be powered (maybe ;)

Added 3 years ago

So Pointerra is just playing with us now! New tonight to the website.

“I see Pointerra as a force multiplier for the modern warfighter. The ability to execute rapid operational assessments based on highly accurate 3D data and analytics has greatly improved organizational responsiveness to critical points of need.”

United States Army LTC Nicholas Roukas, Battalion Commander 1-151 IN, 76th BDE

There is a problem... Pointerra has the solution!

Hell two swim up bars! Let's go all out!

#Future contracts?
Added 3 years ago

#Hyperone #Pointerramakesitsmark #Pointerragrowth #Pointerralidarunderwater #Jobs #Tryingtopieceitalltogether

Alright, big day for Pointerra. Great news and a hearty well done to the Pointerra team. Ian, I think you still deserve that Xmas card. The turn-around time from POC to utility contract highlighted in today’s announcement was impressive, from October to December. Well down for streamlining this process.  

Further diversification in contract areas will be key for the company moving forward at the super speed pace that I am hoping for as an investor. 

There is a lot of scuttlebutt going on around Hyperone. Linked In is currently advertising for 2 GIS officers– which is exciting. 

As I have eluded to on several posts (Nearmap stuff too), I get a little bit excited about researching the mapping space. I recently heard the most fascinating podcast about the blue dot and how this is created on our phones. The interviewer of the podcast, linked below, spoke with the head of the geospatial mapping department at google, Ed Parson’s Wow if you don’t know how this tech works do yourself a favour and listen. Mind blown! 

I digress, so what has this to do with Pointerra and Hyperone and future business growth for the company? I am just trying to piece it all together as a novice who just finds this stuff fun!

 So what is Hyperone? I needed to get my head around it.

This is the illustrious Bevan Slattery’s baby – yes the same Bevan Slattery that helped cement 3DP on the microcap map. 

“HyperOne delivers a new hyperscale national fibre backbone that will significantly boost digital capacity across Australia to support investment in future industries including aerospace, AI/machine learning, cloud, satellite, defense, resources, agriculture and renewable energy.” (Hyperone Website,2021)

The vision of this ambitious project is accessibility across Australia. No matter where you are across the country there is cable that can provide 10,000 terabit per second of digital info to your doorstep. I love the equality of this project. Anyone who has lived in regional or remote Australia can appreciate how this will change lives. We can’t leave it all to Elon’s Starlink. 

How is this good for Australia?

“This 20,000km+ network will generate more than 10,000+ jobs during construction and enable tens of thousands more jobs in future industries. HyperOne unlocks significant opportunities for investment in regional and remote communities that have historically lacked access to world class digital infrastructure.”(Hyperone website 2021)

 IT news states reference: (

The cable will have three layers of protection including a termite-protected sheath, rodent-protected inner sheath and a non-metallic armouring to provide even more protection from Australia’s harsh soil conditions,” Slattery said.

“HyperOne will not only be Australia’s first hyperscale backbone, but also Australia’s first 100 percent ducted or armoured backbone.”

?What I find interesting!

“HyperOne, however, is also aiming to bolster Australia’s position as a major interconnection point for international sea cables transiting from Europe, via the Middle East, to Western Australia and through to Hong Kong, the United States, and even Antarctica.” 

With the current geopolitical instability in the region, there is unprecedented opportunity for Australia to become the region’s leading, secure, and stable hub for future industries and jobs,” Slattery said.

The same IT news article states:

According to Nicholls, “Subsea fibres have four forms of geopolitical instability challenges [in the Indo-Pacific].”

“One is delay. For example, it takes weeks to get permission to repair cables in Indonesian waters. The second is piracy, which is a high risk when cables are relatively shallow in areas such as the Malacca Sea. The third is changing territorial claims, mostly found in the South China Sea. And the fourth is extraterritorial reach,” he said.

“HyperOne could help commercial operators bypass all these risks.”

So what I have learnt from this article (I was today years old when I discovered this) is that a total of 380 undersea cables drive the Internet. This is precarious and vulnerable to spying and international tension issues. But everything including voice and data passes along these underground highways every day. AMAZING!

I don’t know about the rest of the Strawman community but I live on Signal and formerly What’s app (no thank you Mark Zuckerberg I don’t want you to own or to listen in to my hilarious texts or conversations). I use these cables daily to stay in touch with family and friends overseas. I am so grateful for these cables but I am also a little miffed about how poor signals have been and how frequently my internet calls drop out when I call my sister who lives in the US. 

Why does this matter? What is she talking about?

So back to the GIS officer’s being hired for those Hyperone jobs: 

·      The GIS officer is responsible for creating and managing all spatial products across Hyperone assets including: maps, map layers, visualisations, data management, ensure land property and environmental assets are accurate, maintain spatial systems and data, services requests etc…

·      We are looking for experience in fibre optic telecommunications with terrestrial and SUBMARINE knowledge being an advantage. 

OK so you will notice a highlighted word. My immediate thought process is how the hell do people lay underwater cable? This is obviously pretty important you know for the internet and telecommunications. 

So I asked a much smarter friend about this. He is a special effects mathematician for the movie industry. Whenever I am struggling to understand things I ask “Luke”. We all have a “Luke” or a "Sarah" etc… You know those smarter people that can offer insight we just don’t see. 

Specifically I asked him whether LIDAR point clouds were useful for rendering cities in his animation work or gaming? 

His answer:


He has frequently used LIDAR pointclouds on his work in the movies I won’t name drop but very cool – movies about magicians going to school, rings, whether or not to take a blue or red pill. He sent a bunch of very cool examples through – movie magic is now dead to me. 

So the issues with LIDAR is that the registration of points can be tricky! – Back to Ed Parson’s and his blue dot podcast – see it all comes together! He makes this point too. 

But here is the kicker, the icing on the cake my Ah Ha moment as a simpleton stitching this together……LIDAR can be really useful for UNDERWATER scans where traditional imaging is IMPOSSIBLE. 

So LIDAR for cable laying underwater and maintenance underwater– who does point cloud processing fast like no other company to help with these mammoth projects? Who enables maintenance on utilities and infrastructure like nobody's business? Starts with Point ends with Erra. 



Interested in others thoughts on Hyperone! I might be drawing a long bow.

#Podcast interview
Added 3 years ago

For those interested in getting into the nitty gritty of labeling and AI and use cases for LIDAR and AI this is a great podcast ep. Malory Dodd from Imerit discusses the space and from 43 mins discusses companies who are applying this tech in the utilities space - no naming of Pointerra but clearly we know they are involved.

#Bull Case
Added 3 years ago

#bought the ice #drunkthecoolaid

That is a great reference list to look back on to justify your entry @reddogaustin. It was also a pretty good entry point by the looks of it. The latest quarterly did not blow any one out of the water but it shows a nice healthy steadily growing company. 

I couldn’t agree more with regard to the excellent leadership of Ian Olsen. He clearly has a vision and the will to execute it. The potential for major step changes in their revenue in my opinion is phenomenal. This company is not waiting for one potential contract but so many different possibilities in such a broad scope of areas. I am personally very keen to find out more about the announced strategic  partnerships and collaborations with AMAG, Fibresense and HyperOne. I think with some proactive LinkedIn sleuthing and we all saw the Bevan Slattery/ Fibresense/ HyperOne link and concluded Pointerra future involvement was pretty much a given. 

Full disclosure this is my largest holding in my SMSF and I have a pretty substantial holding in my personal portfolio. So I have also ‘bought the ice’ or I prefer ‘drunk the coolaid.’    

Goodluck to all the Strawpeople holders



Last edited 3 years ago

The Salesforce analogy. Ian certainly thought this was appropriate. What if we are all being way too conservative using our DCFs. What if this really is fundamentally changing the workflow of major sectors (6verticals). Maybe that $250 million will be reached super quickly, especially if they are talking 8 figures for defense contracts. Interesting!


#Podcast interview
Last edited 3 years ago

Another great interview with Ian Olsen. He talks about how short sighted the market is and how much SP is underestimating 3DPs mass future growth and earning potential. He re-iterates $50 Million then $100 -$200 million ACV goal. Also discusses future potential listing on NASDAQ and emphasizes companies MOAT and lack of direct competitors.

#ASX Announcements
Added 3 years ago

Well well. Ian did seem confident during his Strawman presentation and did hint to watch out for a few big things coming soon. 

$2.1M in new contracts is certainly a nice start to the week.