Company Report
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#Bull Case
Added 4 years ago

Proactive Interview with Oleg today at the Mid-Cap Conference,

Oleg mentioned that they’ve successfully set up a network of partners/distributors in approx. 120 countries.

This is something they’ve been working on for some time providing a vast reach around the globe.

Given the other achievements of the past twelve months,

-A dedicated office in the US who now working independently

-Increased total staff team numbers to 60 globally, 15 Aus and the remainder across the US and Europe

-Completing the outsourcing for much of their production

-Investing 10 million in inventory

For some of their product sales, it appears they have turned the corner. Moving from a make to order model, where sales and service staff may have been inaccessible or slightly out of reach, stock was made to order, in house and with a slow turn around. To now having the sales staff accessible “globally” and stock on the shelf ready for dispatch.

They mention new customers can take 12-18 to convert into sales and his focus over the next 6 months is revenue. Running my own business my focus is always on revenue but I’m hoping he meant he now has the sales/cs support in place with stock on the shelves and a supply chain providing better profits that he now has the ability to focus on chasing revenue.

DRO has been one of my slow burns, and although profitable it hasn’t set the house on fire. I do think the sector will grow at some stage and they are one of the tech leaders given the evolving products they supply and the contracts and customers they are currently selling and working with. I also believe covid has taken the focus off this sort of tech momentarily but also believe this corner is about to be turned.

They also achieved another certification last week


With a market cap of approx. 80M they appear to be set up for a change in pace and I will be watching a little closer over the next 6 months.

interview link