Company Report
Last edited 4 years ago
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Added 4 years ago

@ Tom73

Glad you are going to register your disappointment with management re: Dubber excluding Retail Investors by not including a SPP.

I am a share holder too and will do the same.

I've made a point of registering my disapproval whenever a company I own has done the same. It doesn't hurt to politely remind management that they  have a responsibility to act in the best interests of ALL shareholders.

Another company I hold, Rightcrowd  (ASX:RCW) recently raised capital and proceeded to give institutions a significant discount and exclude their retail shareholders.

I know the argument is that the SPP is expensive and maybe more trouble than its worth but in this case 

several institutions proceeded to sell off their shares to lock in a quick profit and subsequently drove the SP down in the process - not long term investor behaviour IMO and not the sort of shareholder you would want on your register.

Perhaps if more members of the Strawman Community contacted management voicing their concerns these companies might actually think twice next time.

Dubber is held by 84 Strawman members.

If half of them emailed management they would get the point.