Company Report
Last edited 10 months ago
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#Capital Raise
Added 10 months ago

DUB has completed its capital raise.

Only 42.7% of the Institutional offer was taken up.

For the retail component, DUB wanted $16.4 million and received $9.9 million, so ~60% take up.

It was fully under-written and the under-writers have picked up the slack!!

No surprise. Why would people give money to a company that literally lost $30 million of its own cash?!

I still hold, both shares and hope, but didn't participate. This stock is a risk-realised scenario for me. The tax loss is of no value this year, so I'll keep holding this bag.

#Preliminary Final Report
Added 2 years ago

Cheeky after hours release of a prelim report.

If we look at parts of this report in isolation, $DUB is a 'sure thing'. Hahaha 84% revenue growth! Hint... don't scroll down in the report.


Disc. Still holding....

#Bull Case
Added 2 years ago

Lakehouse Small Companies Fund revealed in their December newsletter than the fund holds Dubber.

Additionally, for a recent ~45% gain, this means the managers bought in at the most recent bottom of ~$0.30! Impressive analysis and timing!

For those unaware, Lakehouse was created and originally managed by Joe Magyer. An investor whom could sniff out value in early tech companies with an enviable success rate. Whilst he is no longer at Lakehouse, his most recent hires will have trained under him.

Maybe it is a short term hold for Lakehouse as Dubber is arguably undervalued. Or maybe the team see longer term value as well. Food for confirmation bias thought.

Added 2 years ago

DUB posted the vote results from their AGM.

Importantly, they received their first strike. It will be interesting to see if DUB change how they communicate with share holders, and how they change their overall business approach, noting that their revenue results were $35 mil, and their total salaries for the same period were $36 mil... yeah remuneration needs some questions asked.

#Bull Case
Added 3 years ago

Alan Kohler does an interview with DUB CEO Steve McGovern, dated 05 April 2022.

It is behind the Eureka Report paywall, so I will not give away all their hard earned information. You can always create a temp email and try the trial period.

Suffice to say, it details a bull case for DUB in my opinion. It details some numbers that would help when making a valuation. And it highlights use cases for the technology and other tidbits that though my pro-bias lens for DUB, helps further justify why I think the market has it wrong, and today's price of <$1.50 is a most excellent value.

I only read the transcript, I didn't listen to the recording, but Steve McGovern articulates himself well.