Company Report
Last edited 5 years ago
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#ASX Announcements
Last edited 5 years ago

31 July 2019  June 2019 activities and cash flow report.

The market seems to have been spooked by the low cash receipts for this quarter.

I am looking positively at the ACV that now stands at $1.85M.  If you add to that an R&D expenditure refund of $0.47M that is $2.32M coming in and with annual expenses of estimated $2.8M then with a bit more growth this is getting tantalizing close to cash flow positive over the next year.

Cash receipts are lumpy and as some customers pay multiple months in advance so I can accept one quarter of lower cash receipts.

With the R&D refund expected in August Pointerra should be able to go at least another 2 quarters without having to raise more capital.

The Question is will they need to raise more capital and if so when and at what price. If they can get another 2 Quarters of good cash and ACV growth then hopefully any capital raising is it a higher price than today.

I used the drop in price after the open as a chance to accumulate some.