Company Report
Last edited 3 years ago
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Added 3 years ago

Another great quarter from ABB with the company taking 56% of new broadband service connections. Superloop a competitor worth watching.


Credit : Lachlan Buur-Jensen twitter

Disc: Held IRL

Added 3 years ago


 Revenue of $229.3 million, an increase of 46% on prior corresponding period (pcp)

 EBITDA of $9.1 million, an increase of 7% on pcp

 Providing 494,803 broadband connections, an increase of 45% on pcp

 Providing 32,207 mobile services, up 70% on pcp

 Business broadband services up 67% on pcp to 45,483

 5.66% NBN broadband market share (excluding satellite) up from 4.23% at December 20

 The opening of our office and call centre in Burswood, WA

 Won Customer Service Organisation of the Year – Large Business in the Australian Service

Excellence Awards, for the second year in a row

The company achieved revenue of $229.3 million and EBITDA of $9.1 million.

“It’s been another year of growth for Aussie, and I am extremely proud of the work the whole team has put in to create some great half-year results,” said Managing Director Phill Britt.

“The year started with a huge amount of uncertainty due to the ongoing effects of the COVID-19 pandemic, but our growth in broadband services, for both residential and business segments, remained consistently strong.

“We continued the fibre roll out with 63 sites complete at 31 December 2021; the remainder of the sites will be connected by end of FY22 when 1200km of Aussie fibre will be in the ground.

“A huge ‘thank you’ goes out to the entire Aussie team who continue to kick goals.”

The company’s market share of NBN fixed-line and fixed-wireless technologies increased to 5.66%, compared to 4.23% in December 2020.

Marketing expenses for the period were $16.4 million, with an additional $8m provided in promotional discounts to drive broadband and mobile growth, along with mobile retention during the network migration.

EBITDA was impacted by network costs including higher CVC due to lockdowns in the period, as well as promotional and free month offers impacting short-term EBITDA but driving better than expected volume growth.


The beginning of 3Q FY22 has seen record sales for broadband. This, along with the completion of white label migrations in 3Q, will assist the company achieve its continued growth.

In December 2021, the company announced that it had entered a Scheme Implementation Deed (SID) with Over the Wire Holdings Limited (ASX:OTW) under which it is proposed that Aussie Broadband Limited will acquire 100% of the share capital in OTW.

Having been approved by ASIC and authorised by the Federal Court, the Scheme booklet has been despatched to OTW shareholders.

The Scheme meeting is scheduled to be held on 24 February 2022 and is expected to be implemented following Federal Court approval in March 2022.

The company expects full year FY22 EBITDA (before transaction costs and excluding any contribution from OTW) to be in the range of $27 million to $30 million. Performance in 2H FY22 is expected to be driven by employee and administration costs being lower as a percentage of revenue, as well as continued growth in connections and services, and the completion of the white label migrations.

Comparable marketing costs, lower promotional costs, and the benefit of a full half of revenue from 1H FY22 acquired customers will also have a positive impact on EBITDA for FY22.

The company expects broadband net additions of 85,000 to 95,000 for 2H FY22, which will include the migration of white label services. This guidance will see total active broadband connections at 30 June 2022 in the range of 580,000 to 590,000.

This guidance is dependent on the company’s marketing activities and the relative competitive environment through the period. The company will provide an update to these figures in the 3Q update, expected to be released in late April 2022.

Disc: Held IRL

Added 3 years ago


There’s a lot of love for ABB for several reasons. When I first looked at ABB, it was a seller of a commodity with big incumbents with seemingly no competitive advantage. Not the sort of company I would ever consider going into. It was clear though to me something special was going on here. Out of roughly 190 NBN registered resellers, they had moved up to #5 in the industry and were gaining market share very quickly. I also noticed the positive word of mouth about them which is non-existent in the telco industry. People would always recommend them and spoke glowingly about their experiences…with a telco! On top of this, they had a clear, focused plan on the customers they’d target and prioritised customer service in an industry where the standard is dreadful.

Since then their market share gains have been extraordinary. They’re not only competed with the big players when it comes to NBN ads but now they’re getting the most NBN ads of anyone, in fact in the last 6 months they had double both Optus and Telstra! Re-selling the NBN ofcourse won’t last forever, they will need to move into other areas as well. I’m still invested because I’ve got the belief that with an outstanding management team that are great at executing and full of hustle, they’ll continue to succeed in their future endeavours. I think this is likely the start of a great company that happened to start as a telco

Added 3 years ago

ABB MD Phillip Britt returning serve today on LinkedIn. Love this!


Disc: Held in RL

#Beyond the numbers
Last edited 4 years ago

I've been guilty of selling out of companies in the past when they've looked expensive on traditional metrics. I use fundamental analysis when looking at stocks, but the qualitative aspect is almost just as important. Thankfully didn't sell out of this one when it started to look expensive, I think something pretty magical is going on here. 

Here's Gourav speaking on Ausbiz about the 3 stocks with terrible fundamentals on first inspection but a lot to like beyond that, ABB the third one spoken about.


Disc: Held IRL 

#Net adds
Added 4 years ago

Pretty staggering numbers here

Credit: Ron Shamgar Twitter 

disc: Held IRL

Last edited 4 years ago

Gaurav Sodhi on Ausbiz today listing ABB are one of his 3 buys in the current market


Disc: Held