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#Bull Case
Added 8 months ago

LONG LONG term Bull case

3 day chart up date fri 19th July 24

I have been looking for a stock like this for some time. to follow on from @Rocket6 comments in his/her last post (thanks for that great write up, this shows a potential path it may follow.

1st - wave 3's are usually the biggest waves & w(iii) of W3 is usually the biggest (tick)

2nd - wait for waves 1/2, w(i)/w(ii) to complete (tick on the 1/2 & w(i), still working on w(ii) down)

3rd - plot fibs (tick)

4th - read comment by fundamentalists and decide for oneself (tick)

5 - start small positon and build as it climbs. Set max amount your comfortable investing in 1 stock. invest in amount so your investment is never less than 15 to 20 from the actual share price. Set alerts to re evaluate position and news releases.

There is only a small amount still to drop at the moment even though it should climb very short term to 3.35 ish then to fall again for w5 down of a C wave to 2.63-2.80 somewhere. I will start a 2.5K positon there ish. Will be interesting to see when they release there EOFY soon ish even though I think they have factored some decline in already

I will also note that ABB has been playing nicely with the fib levels
