Company Report
Last edited 2 years ago
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#Business Model/Strategy
Last edited 2 years ago

I found this very interesting - Australians receiving broadband retailers' advertised download speeds more often | ACCC

ABB one of the worst for actualy achieving the speeds advertised in their plans. I understand that they advertise higher speed plans than others but pretty damning. Looks like the main drivers of their success is marketing and the ability to pick up the phone with Australian call centres.

I'm not sure if that makes ABB a weaker or stronger investment case really - if you can still change public perception that you're better despite being much of the same peformance wise? It does show that better service can be a selling point.




Thanks to an article by Lachlan wirting for A Rich Life for highlighting.

Last edited 3 years ago

Honestly i’m surprised at the amount of love this company gets. Without looking at it too closely the growth would in large part be driven by the large churn event caused by the nbn rollout which caused most people to review their internet plans when they probably wouldn’t otherwise. When this churn slows down i wonder what the steady state organic growth will be.